10 May, 2022
Post By : Admin
How To Take Territories
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 934 – May 10, 2022 Matt.19: 27- 30; 20: 1- 16 |
Peter was quick to see the contrast between the wealthy ruler and poor disciples. “We have left all, and followed you. Therefore, what shall we have?” Jesus gave them a marvelous promise of rewards in this life and in the next. They would even share thrones when He established His kingdom. Whatever good things they had forsaken for His sake would be returned to them a hundredfold. In other words, they were not making sacrifices; they were making investments, but not all the dividends would be received in this life. However, Jesus detected in Peter’s question the possibility of a wrong motive for service. This was why He added the warning that some who were first in their own eyes would be last in the judgment, and some who were last would end up first. This truth was amplified in the parable of the workers in the vineyard.
This parable has nothing to do with salvation. For nobody works for his salvation.
The parable is emphasizing the right attitude in service. It is important to note that there were actually two kinds of workers hired that day: Those who wanted a contract and agreed to work for a penny a day, and those who had no contract and agreed to take whatever the owner thought was right. The first laborers that he hired insisted on a contract. This explains why the householder paid the workers as he did; He wanted those who were hired first (who insisted on a contract) to see how much he paid the workers who were hired later. Put yourself in the place of those workers who were hired first but paid last. They each expected to get a penny because that was what they agreed to accept. But imagine their surprise when they saw the laborers who were hired last each receiving a penny! This means their own wages should have been twelve pennies each, but the owner gave them one penny each. Of course, they complained; but they had no argument because they had agreed to work for a penny. They received what they asked for. Had they trusted the goodness of the owner, they would have received far more. But they insisted on a contract.
Reflection –
1. We should not serve God because we want to receive an expected reward, and we should not insist on knowing what we will get. God is infinitely generous and gracious and will always give us better than we deserve.
2. It is possible to do the Father’s work and yet not do His will from the heart Eph 6: 6. If we serve Him only for the benefits (temporal and eternal), then we will miss the best blessings He has for us. We must trust Him unreservedly and believe that He will always give what is best.
3. Beware of overconfidence when it comes to the rewards God will give; for those first in their own eyes (and in the eyes of others) may end up last! Also do not get discouraged, for those who consider themselves “unprofitable servants” may end up first.
4. Beware of the danger of watching other workers and measuring yourself by them 1Cor 4: 5. We see the worker and the work, but God sees the heart.
5. We must beware of criticizing God and feeling that we have been left out. Had the early morning workers trusted the owner and not asked for an agreement, the owner would have given them much more. He was generous, but they would not trust him.
6. They did not rejoice others received more; instead, they were jealous and complained.
7. The goodness of the owner did not lead them to repentance Rom.2: 4. It revealed the true character of their hearts; they were selfish.
Williams Olusola Awosola ( 3 years ago )
It is always good to serve God wholeheartedly without expecting any reward from start.
God will reward you.