24 January, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 919 – January 25, 2022 Who is in your circle Matthew 13:3-9, 18-22. |
Jesus was a premier storyteller. He formed illustrations that were teeming with life and that featured major principles of his preaching, teachings, and public speaking. He would oftentimes tell these simple metaphors one-by-one. Other times he would link them together in a larger string of stories back-to-back in order to make one big point.
Matthew 13 contains Jesus’ longest string of parables. In every one of the parables in Matthew 13, a common theme arises. In all the metaphors used, something is buried and then brought up to reveal an unprecedented treasure. Jesus was trying to communicate that his kingdom would be like a man buried and brought to life.
Jesus often used agricultural imagery, for those in his day could relate to it. Not only did he compare believers to three types of seed tossed on the bad ground only to be blown or withered away; seed tossed into good soil and yet with no roots so that its fate was to wither all the same, and finally, seed tossed into good fertile soil and growing into a rich multiplying plant—but he also compared believers in other places to either an unfruitful or fruit-producing tree.
Men and women alike are to consider the plight of the seed and consider which type of believer they desire to become. Jesus’ end goal was to get us today to think through our lives, our aims, and our approach toward our time, talent, treasures, and toward the future things to come.
Today we will talk about one of these parables, the parable of The Sower.
- Why does Christ prefer to teach/speak using parables? Jh 3:10-12, Ps 78:2-3, Isaiah 6:9, Matt 13:13-15
- The lone rangers, one man “mopos”. v4
- The YOLOs, better live the life now. v5-6
- The if you can’t beat them you join them crew. v7
- The good crew. v8
Your circle, those around you, those you share your goals, dreams, aspirations with can make or mar you. Choose your circle wisely because they can either suck life out of you, stiffen your growth or worse kill you.