24 May, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 884 – MAY 25, 2021 John 6:27 |
Among the miracles of Jesus that attracted great attention was the feeding of 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish John 6:1-13 Many came to believe in Him as the Prophet to come John 6:14;
Deuteronomy 18:15 Some wanted to take Him by force and make Him king John 6:15 People sought to follow Him John 6:22,24-25 Jesus, who knew the hearts of men John 2:25, perceived their selfish motives. They were interested only in the food, not what the miracle indicated prompting Jesus to warn them about the food for which they laborJohn 6:26-27. The words of Jesus in our text John 6:27 reveal there are Two Kinds of Food, one that perishes and another that endures.
As we seek to apply Jesus’ admonition to our own lives, let us consider.
(1). THE FOOD WHICH PERISHES. Literally, it is the food we eat. It quickly perishes, even with the benefit of preservatives. It fails to satisfy for long, soon we are hungry and thirsty again John 4:13 Figuratively, there are other foods which soon perish and does not provide lasting fulfillment according to the teaching of The Preacher (King Solomon) -The food of human wisdom. The food of folly. The food of mirth and pleasure. The food of great wealth and industrious labor. Ecclesiastes 1:17; 2:1-11 We should not labor for such food. This does not mean we are to make no effort to supply our needs. A Christian is to provide for his family 1Timothy 5:8 The Bible tells us that if a man refuses to work, neither should he eat 2Thessalonians 3:10-12 The admonition of our Lord and Savior is that while we do these we should not neglect the food that endures. The food which perishes should not be our priority in life Matthew 6:33 It is a lesson that Martha had to learn from our Lord Luke10:38-42 Sadly, many people expend much time, energy, and money for food which soon perishes.
Jesus would have people direct their life’s efforts toward.
What food is this? It is the Word of God by which man truly lives Matthew 4:4 The Word which Job treasured more than necessary food Job 23:12. The Word which David valued more than gold and fine food Psalm 19:10;119:72,103. The Word which Jeremiah found to be the rejoicing of his heart Jeremiah 15:16 It is the Word that causes rebirth, and endures forever 1Peter 1:22-25. Jesus, the Word of God should be our focus as Christians. John 1:1,14,18 He, only supplies the food that endures because He is the true bread from the Father in heaven John 6:31-35. He is the bread of life who offers everlasting life John 6: 47-51
We must labor for this food. Jesus must be the primary focus of our labors, in which we strive. We must believe in Him, for therein is everlasting life John 6:28-29,40 We need to follow Him, for He has the words of eternal life John 6:66-69. We must know Him, for that is eternal life John 17:1-3. We must obey Him, for to those who obey He is the author of eternal life Hebrews 5:9
Are we laboring for the food which endures to everlasting life? We need to let Paul’s attitude be our example as shown in Philippians 3:7-15 Seeking to know the Lord more and more. Never content with our current understanding, always pressing further. We should also let Peter’s exhortation to diligence in growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ set the standard for us 2Peter 1:5-8; 3:18 We must seek to become like the Lord more and more, always abounding, always growing in grace and knowledge of our God.
Brothers and Sisters, for what food do you labor? Is your focus in life on that which is temporary? Do you strive for that which cannot truly satisfy? Let us consider what Isaiah wrote 700 years before Christ came Isaiah 55:2-3
“Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you – The sure mercies of David.”
The Word of God – JESUS– is the food that Endures.