10 May, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 882 – MAY 11, 2021 Mark 5:21-43 |
Mark dedicates much attention to the miracles of Jesus, showing His power over -Demons Mark 1:23-28,34; 5:1-20 -Sickness Mark 1:29-31,34,40-45; 2:1-12; 3:1-6 and -Nature Mark 4:35-41
Our Bible Study involves two miracles, showing Jesus power over (a) Disease, in healing the woman suffering from an issue of blood and (b) Death, in raising the daughter of Jairus. We are first introduced to Jairus, a ruler of a synagogue, who begs Jesus to heal his dying daughter Mark 5:21-24 But on the way, there was THE TOUCH OF A WOMAN. The woman touched Jesus. She had suffered greatly (a). The discharge of blood for 12 years (b). The mistreatments of many physicians (c). The loss of all that she had Mark 5:25-26 She had heard about Jesus and came to touch His garment Mark 5:27-29 She believed simply touching His clothes would heal her. When she did, the fountain of blood dried up and she was healed. Jesus sensed the miracle and reassured the woman Mark 5:30-34 Jesus asked who touched Him, and fearfully the woman came forward. Jesus reassured her that her faith made her well and she was healed. Because she was willing to touch Jesus, she was healed.
The Lesson: ARE WE WILLING TO APPROACH JESUS AND TOUCH HIM? We cannot touch Jesus today physically but he can be touched spiritually by putting him on. Galatians 3:27 We can touch Him by uniting with Him in His death and resurrection via baptism Romans 6:3-4 We can let Jesus touch us by havingour sins washed away by His blood Acts 22:16 If we are willing to touch Jesus, we can be saved. If we have enough faith to reach out and touch Jesus by obeying His word, we can be blessed by that touch.
While Jesus was still speaking to the woman, troubling news concerning Jairus’ daughter came that would lead to THE TOUCH OF A CHILD.On the way to the house Mark 5:35-37 Jairus was told his daughter is dead. Jesus reassured Jairus, calling upon him to believe. Jesus permitted only Peter, James, and John to accompany Him.At the house of Jairus (a). There was tumult with people weeping and wailing (b). Jesus rebuked the wailing, affirming that the child is not dead but sleeps (c). They ridiculed Jesus, and He sent them out of the house (d). The parents, Jesus, and His three disciples entered the room where the child lay Mark 5:38-40 He took her by the hand, that is, He touched her. He said to her, “Talitha, cumi” (“Little girl, I say to you arise”) Immediately the girl,12 years old, arose and walked. The parents and disciples were overcome with great amazement. So, by the touch Jesus raised the child Mark 5:41-43 Jesus commanded them to tell no one, but give food to the girl to eat Mark 1:44-45. Luke 8:53 declares that the people knew that she was dead. Luke 8:55 states that at the command of Jesus “her spirit returned.” It is clear, therefore, that there had been a separation between spirit and body. In John 11:11 we have something similar. Jesus tells his disciples, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep.” But in John 11:14 he affirms, “Lazarus died.” In both instances the meaning is that death will not have the final say. Not death but life is going to triumph in the end. Also, just as natural sleep is followed by awakening, so this child is going to become awake, that is, is going to live again. With a touch and the command to arise, Jesus raised the child from the dead.
The Lesson: ARE WE WILLING TO LET JESUS TOUCH US? Again not literally, but today we can let Jesus touch us by becoming a new creation in Christ 2Corinthians 5:17 With His touch we can enjoy the blessing of His presence in our lives John 14:23 We can enjoy every spiritual blessing there is to be found in Christ Ephesians 1:3 By the touch of Jesus, we can experience a spiritual resurrection from our old ways Colossians 2:12-14 thereby experience a bodily resurrection to eternal life in the future John 5:28-29; John 11:25 If we are willing to let Jesus touch us, we can be raised anew now and in the future.
CONCLUSION: We should just imagine the great joy produced by the Touches of The Savior. The joy of the woman who touched Jesus and the joy of the parents whose child was touched by Jesus. There can be great joy for us today if we are willing to touch Jesus by obeying Him and if we are willing to let Jesus touch us through the blessings He offers by being in Him. We must take note that both the woman and Jairus made efforts to approach Jesus. So, we must come to Jesus in faithful obedience if we are to experience the Touches Of The Savior Matthew 11:28-30