01 March, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 924 – MARCH 1, 2022 Genesis 4: 3-15 |
Was it that Cain did not know what to offer as a sacrifice? Was the offering the issue? Was it his best? Was he just having a lackadaisical attitude? Or could it be that he brought God his leftovers?
It was clear that Cain did not offer the first fruit and the best of his harvest unto God, (Gen 4:3) no mention of the first fruit. I don’t believe God was expecting Cain to offer his entire harvest because the Bible did not say Abel offered his entire flock unto the Lord (Gen 4:4a) Abel not ONLY brought the firstlings of his flock but the FATTEST of them. Brethren, please let us not forget that God created the Heavens and the earth therefore, everything in the Heavens and the earth is His. (Gen 1:1)
1. Cain did not recognize God as being first in his life and his sacrifice reflected that but wondered why his offering of sacrifice was not accepted. I believe many times we fall into the first mistake Cain made. God is not just interested in our offering (Ps 24:1) or just serving in a ministry, but the place He holds in our heart which will ultimately reflect our offering and our services in the church (Matt 22:37). Like Cain, we come to church every Sunday and wonder why others are getting blessed and we are not. So, I ask, Brethren do we come to church very tired to even clap or shout hallelujah unto the Lord because we party all Saturday night? Or do we think we are too affluent and educated to clap and shout? Do we bring a tenth of our earnings or just what we feel like? (Mal 3:10) Do we come to church to show off a new car, or dress? or do we come to church to check a box for the Sunday to-do list? Or are we thinking we have arrived and it was 100% our own doing? Please take to heart (Ep 2:8) Cain may not have known that God searches the very deepest part of our heart but we do! (Ps 44:21) but do we still just offer God the remnant of our time, talent, and money?
2. Cain thought God had no right to reject his offering (Gen 4:5b) did Cain think he was doing God a favor by offering Him a sacrifice? Do we sometimes think we are just doing God a favor to give Him our tithes and offering? (Deut. 8:18) and serve Him? Or do we get angry when He convicts us or chastens us through His Word? instead of repenting of the way we are serving Him? (Jn 4:23-24) Forgetting that we are created for His pleasure (Rev 4:11) (1Cor 10:26) (Col 1:16) and that it is in our sole interest that we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice?
3. Cain repented not but rather saw Abel as the problem and the reason why his sacrifice was rejected (Gen 4:8). Do we see our brothers and sisters as the reason why our ministry is failing? When should we be looking at what offerings we are rendering unto God? And how do we worship God? But we try to sabotage and thwart their ministry? Or do we envy the prosperity of the works of their hands when we don’t practice (Mal 3:10) and (2Cor 8:13)?
Cain never had remorse for offering God his scraps; He dismissed God’s admonition and decided to eliminate his brother. After all that, Cain was still full of himself and only cared about himself (Gen 4:12-14) Cain never repented, but God still put His mark on him that no one would harm him but was still under the curse of the ground. Have we been offering God the scraps of our time, talent, and money? Have we been dismissing God’s admonition? Have we been sabotaging or thwarting our brethren’s ministry? We have one better than Cain, God is very willing to not only put His mark on us but to also wash our sins away and remember them no more (Gal 6:17) (Heb 8:12)
In conclusion – it’s not too late; He said if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us (Isa 1:18) (1Jn 1:9) (Ps 86:5) (2Chr 7:14) (Ps103:11-12) (Isa 55:7) (Isa 43:25).