28 March, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 928 – MARCH 29, 2022 2Timothy 4:10-22 |
As Paul nears the end of his second epistle to Timothy, he mentions several people. Demas, Crescens, and Titus, who are no longer with him 2Timothy 4:10 He mentioned Luke, Mark, and Tychicus 2Timothy 4:11-12 and others as well 2Timothy 4:14-22
An interesting comparison can be made between three individuals in particular. Demas, who had forsaken Paul, Luke, who was with Paul, and Mark, who was to come to Paul. In this tale of three men, our “Three Types of Christians” there are lessons to be learned that hopefully, all can take to heart.
THE APOSTATE DEMAS – He served as a fellow laborer with Paul, joining Paul and others in sending greetings during the time of Paul’s first Roman imprisonment Philemon 1:24; Colossians 4:14 Yet at the end of Paul’s life, he forsook Paul 2Timothy 4:10a Not that he merely left Paul but that he abandoned Paul because he loved this present world 2Timothy 4:10b. He became apostate from the faith. Loving the world is certainly contrary to loving the Father 1John 2:15-17 Worldliness is both external and internal. The people we associate with, the places we go, and the activities we enjoy. It begins from the heart. It starts by gratifying physical desires. Craving and accumulating things that may turn us away from God. At best, Demas deeply disappointed Paul; at worst, he fell away from the Lord. Will we follow in the steps of Demas, beginning a life of faith, only to fall away? It is possible to fall from grace, where Christ becomes of no effect in our lives. Galatians 5:4 We can become entangled again by the pollution of the world 2Peter 2:20-22 We can fall from our own steadfastness by loving the world, more than we love God and our brethren 2Peter 3:17 We can become hardened by sin’s deceitfulness Hebrews 3:12-14 We can lose track by letting the world’s distractions render us fruitless and leaving our brethren and God in the lurch Luke 8:14 The cause of Christ is often hindered by those who forsake their faith and brethren because of their love for the world.
THE STEADFAST LUKE – He too was a fellow laborer with Paul. A Gentile, a medical doctor, “the beloved physician” Colossians 4:11,14 He first joined Paul at Troas on his second journey Acts 16:10-11 He stayed at Philippi until he rejoined Paul on his third journey Acts 20:3-5 He went to Rome with Paul for his first imprisonment Acts 27:1; 28:16 He proved to be a steadfast companion and faithful Christian who wrote the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, possibly the brother whose praise is in the gospel 2Corinthians 8:18 He was with Paul during his first imprisonment Philemon 1:24; Colossians 4:14 He was with Paul during his last days 2Timothy 4:11 As Christians, will we follow in the steps of Luke living a life of faith characterized by steadfastness and faithful to the Lord in our service?1Corinthians 15:58 Remaining faithful and steadfast to the end Hebrews 3:14 Pleasing not just the Lord, but a constant source of encouragement to the brethren as the Colossians were to Paul Colossians 2:5 Refreshing the hearts of brethren, as did the household of Stephanus? 1Corinthians 16:15-18 What a contrast between Demas and Luke. The difference was determined by the direction of their devotion. Demas loved the world; Luke loved the Lord and his brethren.
THE PENITENT MARK – A man who proved unreliable at first. His name was John, surnamed Mark, son of Mary Acts 12:12 He joined Paul and Barnabas on their return to Antioch Acts 12:25 He started with Paul and Barnabas on their first journey Acts 13:5 then, he left them prematurely and returned to Jerusalem Acts 13:13 His departure later caused a rift between Paul and Barnabas Acts 15:36-41 but he eventually redeemed himself. He later proved useful to Paul for ministry 2Timothy 4:11; Colossians 4:10; Philemon 1:24 He was also dear to Peter 1Peter 5:13 He wrote the gospel that bears his name (Mark) Thought to have gone to Alexandria in Egypt and martyred in 62-63 A.D. Some Christians follow in the steps of Mark. Many are more like Mark than Luke. Our service to God and brethren has not been what it should be, we have not been as steadfast and dependable as Luke. Rather than like Luke, we have instead been lukewarm Revelation 3:15-16 Maybe like Mark and Demas, we have left other brethren in the lurch. Yet the example of Mark gives us hope and direction. Mistakes can be corrected, sin is forgiven. We who may have been lukewarm can still become useful for ministry by accepting opportunities for restoration and service Acts 15:39; Revelation 3:18-19 we must respond to calls to get back up and continue the race of faith, we cannot afford to stay down. We must get up like Mark. Hebrews 12:12-15
In the course of our spiritual sojourn in this life, which person will we be like? Hopefully never Demas. Ideally like Luke
but, if necessary, then at least be like Mark. Let us remember, the difference is determined by the direction of our devotion. Will you love the world, or will you love the Lord and His brethren?