16 November, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 909 – November 16th, 2021 2Timothy 2:3-7 |
As Paul sought to encourage Timothy in his work as a Preacher and as an evangelist he made allusions to three secular occupations: soldier, athlete, farmer 2Timothy 2:3-7 Here we find Three Pictures of Faithful Christian Service. The lessons to be learned from these pictures are not limited to preachers and evangelists but all who serve the Lord should learn from the soldier, the athlete, and the farmer no matter what our function as members of the body of Christ.
THE DEDICATION OF A SOLDIER (1) LONGSUFFERING. “…must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” 2Timothy 2:3 Soldiers often endure great hardship in their service for their country, giving up worldly security and enduring rigorous discipline. Christians also should be willing to suffer hardship for the gospel of Christ 2Timothy 1:8 They must be willing to suffer for the kingdom of God Matthew 5:10-12 (2) FOCUSED “No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life” 2Timothy 2:4 Soldiers must concentrate on the task at hand to survive. Likewise, Christians need to be careful lest they be distracted by the world or they will bear no fruit to maturity or drown themselves in destruction and perdition Luke 8:14; 1Timothy 6:9-12 (3) DEVOTED “…that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.” 2Timothy 2:4 Soldiers desire to please their commanders. Christians also should desire to please their Great Commander -Jesus Christ. We should follow Paul’s attitude concerning himself 2Corinthians 5:9 We should also learn from Paul’s prayer concerning the Colossians 1:10
The next time we see a soldier who serves his or her country with honor, ask yourself: Do I serve my Lord and His kingdom with the same dedication?
THE DISCIPLINE OF AN ATHLETE (1) OBEDIENT “…he competes according to the rules.” 2Timothy 2:5
Athletes understand the need to abide by the rules if they desire to win. As Christians, we are obliged to abide by the rules set by our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus calls upon us to observe what He taught Matthew 28:20; Luke 6:46 If we refuse to obey and serve the Lord faithfully, we are disloyal subjects, fit only to be banished from His Kingdom. We must be doers of the Word, and not hearers only James 1:22; Matthew7:21-27 (2) SELF-CONTROLLED Another comparison by Paul regarding athletics 1Corinthians 9:24-27 Athletes know that ultimate victory requires great self-control. Christians strive for an imperishable crown as such we must have self-control 1Corinthians 9:25 If we are disqualified, what then? 1Corinthians 9:27
As you watch athletes competing in different sports, we should let their example of self-discipline challenge us in our own service to the Lord.
THE DILIGENCE OF A FARMER (1) HARDWORKING “The hardworking farmer…” 2Timothy 2:6 Farming is certainly no easy task. The harvest is plentiful, and laborers are needed Matthew 9:37-38 The fruit that we gather relates to eternal life. John 4:36 (2) MOTIVATED “…first to partake of the crops 2Timothy 2:6 It is the hardworking farmers who enjoy the benefit of their labors first. The labor of the Christian is not in vain 1Corinthians 15:58 Our hope is eternal life, and the crown of righteousness Romans 6:22-23; 2Timothy 4:8
Christians should be dedicated like soldiers, disciplined like athletes, and diligent like farmers. Despite the sufferings, we need to keep going because of the thought of victory, the vision of winning, and the hope of harvest. All our suffering is made worthwhile by our goals of glorifying God, winning people to Christ, and one day living eternally with him. As Paul instructed Timothy in 2Timothy 2:7, The Lord is instructing us to consider what He says, and may the Lord give us understanding in all things. Amen.