04 January, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 916 – Januaru 4th, 2021 |
In the book of Third John, we have noticed the commendable spirit found in Gaius. The truth was in him 3John 3 He walked in the truth 3John 3-4 He demonstrated love and hospitality towards the brethren and for strangers 3John 5-6
Unfortunately, another man mentioned in this letter did not possess the spirit of Gaius. His name was Diotrephes and John felt it necessary to relate what Diotrephes had done, and what he (John) would have to do in response 3John 9-10. While there are many people today who possess the spirit of Gaius and bless the Lord’s church accordingly, it is not uncommon for The Spirit of Diotrephes to be found in some churches. The spirit that tears apart the love and unity that ought to prevail in every congregation. That we might be on guard against The Spirit Of Diotrephes, in this Bible study we shall (1) Identify exactly what characterized the spirit of Diotrephes and (2) Consider how it was so contrary to the principles taught by our Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles.
DESIRING PREEMINENCE (9a) In the case of Diotrephes, John wrote that he loves to have preeminence. The word preeminence means to be fond of being first. Ambitious of distinction. It was his love of being first (a sin in itself) that led to other sins that he committed.
The teaching of the scriptures. (1) When the mother of James and John expressed a desire for her sons to be given preeminence, Jesus taught the principle of humility and service Matthew 20:20-28 He did so again as he spoke out against the scribes and Pharisees Matthew 23:6-12 Paul taught that in matters of honor we should give preference to one another Romans 12:10 We must not have the sort of selfish ambition found in Diotrephes, but the humble servitude found in the mind of Christ Philippians 2:2-8 Today, we live in the “me generation” where the spirit of Diotrephes reigns supreme. It should not surprise us, when the church is so often influenced by the world, to hear people say: “But I want…” “But I think…”
There is no room in the kingdom for the “me first” mentality; where it exists, more sins and problems are bound to follow.
We see also that The Spirit of Diotrephes REJECTS AUTHORITY John writes simply in the case of Diotrephes “he does not receive us”. It may seem incredible that one would refuse to accept and submit to the disciple whom Jesus loved. An apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ. But because of his love to be first, there was no room in Diotrephes’ heart for someone over him in matters of authority. The scripture teaches that we appreciate the proper chain of authority. As Creator, God inherently has all authority, however, the Father has delegated all authority to His Son Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:20-22 Jesus, in turn, has delegated authority to His apostles John 13:20 He sent the Holy Spirit to assist them, and guide them into all the truth John 14:26; 16:12-13 Thus they could speak and write with the authority of God behind them 1Corinthians 14:37; This is why we find that the early church “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine…” Acts 2:42 In Christendom today, the spirit of Diotrephes appears to reign unchecked in those churches that reject the authority of the apostles in preference for the authority of their own councils, synods, or conferences. The clear teachings of the apostles concerning such issues as homosexuality etc., instead of authorizing any church practice that suits their fancy and the spirit of Diotrephes reigns supreme in the lives of those professing Christians who reject leadership calls for a holy and sanctified living so they can choose their own sexual preference and lifestyles and put their own personal interests first before the kingdom of God.
The spirit of Diotrephes SPEAKS EVIL OF BRETHREN (10a) John relates that Diotrephes was guilty of “prating against us with malicious words” The word “prating” means to be a babbler or trifler. By implication, it means to berate idly or mischievously The word “malicious” means “hurtful, evil”. Diotrephes gave little concern, then, about how he spoke with evil and hurtful words concerning his brethren. The scripture teaches that we will be judged for the idle words that we use Matthew 12:36-37 We are commanded not to speak evil of one another James 4:11-12 To do so is to speak evil of the law of God and to set ourselves up as judges. While it may be necessary at times to rebuke our brethren, we are given the proper tools 2Timothy 4:2; 2Timothy 3:16 We are instructed on how to approach those in error 2Timothy 2:24-26 Today in Christendom, the spirit of Diotrephes manifest itself when Christians engage in malicious gossips. The spirit of Diotrephes reign when overzealous and self-appointed guardians of the faith lambaste their brethren with whom they differ.
It is often the desire for preeminence that prompts Christians to reject Bible teachings concerning brotherly relations and to engage in malicious prating.
The spirit of Diotrephes ABUSES CHURCH DISCIPLINE (10b) Not content with using prating with malicious words, Diotrephes is described as one who “does not receive the brethren” and “forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church” In two ways, then, he was abusing church discipline. 1-Refusing to associate with those worthy of association and 2-using it as a weapon to manipulate others to do what he wanted. Jesus taught there might be times when church discipline is necessary Matthew 18:15-17 Paul described such a time on two occasions and gave instructions for carrying it out (1) When a man was living with his father’s wife 1Corinthians 5:1-13 (2) When Christians refused to work 2Thessallonians 3:6-15 So there are times when we must put away from ourselves that wicked person but there is also the possibility of abusing this method of church discipline, as in the case of Diotrephes, If church discipline could be abused back then, it means that it can be abused today amongst churches without adequate knowledge. However, this is not to be an excuse to never exercise church discipline but to do so carefully. It may have been prompted as part of a power-play by a “Diotrephes”
The Spirit of Diotrephes” can be summarized as one of (1) Desiring preeminence (2) Rejecting authority (3) Speaking evil of brethren and (4) Abusing church discipline. One must not have all four of these to be guilty of sin. Anyone is an abomination before God, anyone can destroy brotherly relations. John’s description of The Spirit of Diotrephes serves as a warning and guide for us all.