29 November, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 911 – November 30th, 2021 |
When King Solomon dedicated the temple, he asked a question “But will God indeed dwell on the earth?” 1Kgs.8: 27. God’s glory had dwelt in the tabernacle Ex.40: 34, and in the temple 1Kgs.8: 10- 11, but that glory had departed from disobedient Israel Ezek.11: 22- 23. Then a marvelous thing happened; the glory of God came to His people in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. John the beloved presented Jesus as Lamb of God Jh.1: 29; the Ladder from heaven to earth Jh.1: 51; the New Temple Jh.2: 19- 21; and the Bread of God that came down from heaven Jh.6: 35. But there is one major theme that runs throughout John’s gospel: Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and if you commit yourself to Him, He will give you eternal life Jh.20: 31. In this first chapter, John recorded seven names and titles of Jesus that identify Him as eternal God.
1. The Word – Jh.1: 1- 3, 14 our words reveal to others our hearts and minds, so Jesus Christ is “God’s Word” to reveal His heart and mind to us Jh.14: 9. A word is composed of letters, and Jesus Christ is “Alpha and Omega” Rev.1: 11, the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet. Jesus Christ is God’s last Word to mankind, for He is the climax of divine revelation Heb.1: 1- 3.
Jesus Christ is the eternal Word Jh.1: 1- 2. He existed in the beginning, not because He had a beginning as a creature, but because He is eternal. He is God and He was with God Jh.8: 58.
Jesus Christ is the creative Word. God created the worlds through His Word Gen.1: 1- 3. Ps.33: 9; Col.1: 16.
Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word Jh.1: 14 He was the Word that became flesh. He was not a phantom or a spirit. His disciples had personal experiences with Him 1Jh.1: 1- 2. Jesus was weary and thirsty Jh.4: 6- 7; He groaned within and openly wept Jh.11: 33 & 35. On the cross, He thirsted and bled and died Jh.19: 28, 30, and 34.
How was the Word made flesh? By the miracle of the virgin birth Is.7: 14 (Matt.1: 18- 25, Lk.1: 26- 38). He took on Himself sinless human nature and identified with us in every aspect of life from birth to death. Christianity is Christ and Christ is God. The revelation of God’s glory is an important theme in the gospel. Jesus revealed God’s glory in His person, His works, and His words.
2. The Light – Jh.1: 4- 13 life is a key theme in John’s gospel. What are the essentials for human life? There are at least four. Light (If the sun went out, everything would die), air, water, and food. Jesus is all of these. He is the light of life and the light of the world Jh.8: 12, He is the Sun of righteousness Mal.4: 2. By His Holy Spirit, He gives us the breath of life Jh.3: 8; 20: 22, as well as the Water of life Jh.4: 10, 13- 14; 7: 37- 39. Finally, Jesus is the Living Bread of life that came down from heaven Jh.6: 35.
God is light 1Jh.1: 5, while Satan is “the power of darkness” Lk.22: 53. People love either the light or the darkness, and this love controls their actions Jh.3: 16- 19. Those who believe in Christ are the children of light Jh.12: 35- 36. Just as the first creation began with “Let there be light” so the new creation begins with the entrance of light into the heart of the believer 2Cor.4: 3- 6. The coming of Jesus Christ into the world was the dawning of a new day for sinful man Lk.1: 78- 79.
You would think that blind sinners would welcome the light, but such is not always the case. The coming of the true light brought conflict as the powers of darkness oppose it Jh.1: 5.
Why did the nation of Israel reject Jesus Christ? Because they knew Him not. They were spiritually ignorant. Jesus is the true light, the original of which every other light is a copy, but the Jews were content with the copies. They had Moses and the law, the temple, and the sacrifices, but they did not comprehend that these lights pointed to the true Light who was the fulfillment, the completion, of the Old Testament religion. They saw His works and heard His words. They observed His perfect life. He gave them every opportunity to grasp the truth, believe and be saved. Jesus is the way, but they would not walk with Him Jh.6: 66- 71. He is the truth, but they would not believe Him Jh.12: 37. He is life, and they crucified Him!
The light is still shining! Have you personally received the Light and become a child of God?