20 September, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 901 – September 22nd, 2021 Gen.22: 1- 18 |
At the age of 75, Abraham enrolled in the school of faith; now he was over 100, and he was still having soul-stretching experiences. We are never too old to face new challenges, fight new battles, and learn new truths. When we stop learning, we stop growing; and when we stop growing, we stop living. This study presents the greatest test that Abraham faced and it’s also a beautiful picture of our Lord’s sacrifice at Calvary, but the main lesson is obedient faith that overcomes in the trials of life. Abraham teaches us how to face and handle the tests of life to the glory of God.
Expect tests from God – Gen.22: 1- 2. In the school of faith, we must have occasional tests, or we will never know where we are spiritual. Abraham had his share of tests right from the beginning. First was the “family test”, when he had to leave his loved ones and step out by faith to go to a new land Gen.12: 1- 5. This was followed by the “famine test”, which Abraham failed because he doubted God and went down to Egypt for help Gen.12: 10- 13: 4. Abraham passed the “fellowship test” when he gave Lot the first choice in using the pastureland Gen.13: 5- 18. He also passed the “fight test” when he defeated the kings Gen.14: 1- 16; and the “fortune test” when he said no to Sodom’s wealth Gen.14: 17- 24. But he failed the “fatherhood test” when Sarah got impatient with God and suggested that Abraham had a child by Hagar Gen.16. When the time came to send Ishmael away, Abraham passed the “farewell test” even though it broke his heart Gen.21: 14- 21.
Not every difficult experience in life is necessarily a personal test from God Jam.1: 12- 16. Sometimes our own disobedience causes pain or disappointment, as when Abraham went to Egypt Gen.12: 10, and to Gerar Gen.20. And sometimes our hurts are simply a part of normal human life.
We must learn to distinguish between trials and temptations. Temptations come from our desires within us Jam.1: 12- 16, while trials come from the Lord who has a special purpose to fulfill. Temptations are used by the devil to bring out the worst in us, but trials are used by the Holy Spirit to bring out the best in us Jam.1: 3- 4. Temptations seem logical while trials seem unreasonable. Why would God give Abraham a son and then ask Abraham to kill him?
All believers face similar temptations to sin 1Cor.10: 13, but not all believers experience the same trials of faith. God’s testings are tailor-made for each child of God, and each experience is unique. God never ask Lot to face the tests that Abraham faced. Why? Because Lot was being tempted by the world and the flesh and never grew to the place of maturity that Abraham reached.
In one sense, it is a compliment when God sends us a test; it shows God wants to promote us in the school of faith. God never sends a test until He knows you are ready for it.
Focus on promises, not explanations – Gen.22: 3- 5 our faith is not really tested until God asks us to bear what seems unbearable, do what seems unreasonable, and expect what seems impossible. Whether you look at Joseph in prison, Moses, and Israel at the Red Sea, David in the cave, or Jesus at Calvary, the lesson is the same; we live by promises, not by explanations. When God sends a trial to us, our first response is usually “why Lord?” and then “why me?” Right away we want God to give us explanations. Abraham heard God’s word and immediately obeyed it by faith. He knew that God’s will never contradict God’s promise, so he held on to the promise Gen.21: 12. Abraham believed that even if God allowed him to slay his son; God would raise him from the dead Heb.11: 17- 19. Faith does not demand explanations; faith rests on promises. Abraham told the two servants “I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you” Gen.22: 5.
In Conclusion – Abraham believed God when he did not know where Heb.11: 8; when he did not know when Heb.11: 9- 10, 13- 16; when he did not know how Heb.11: 11- 12; and when he did not know why Heb.11: 17- 19.