17 October, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 957 – October 18th, 2022 |
It is the desire of most Christians today to have God work through them in a powerful way. However, what many Christians do not know is that God has the same desire to work through each and every one of His children. We have seen some men and women in the Body of Christ operate in great and powerful anointings, but God desires to work through each and every one of His children in a powerful way. Acts 10:34 states, “God is no respecter of persons.” God will work through anyone who deliberately makes the decision to yield himself or herself to Him. God has a specific purpose and calling on the life of every believer. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.” God had a specific calling and purpose for Jeremiah’s life even before he entered his mother’s womb. Jeremiah 29:11. God also has placed a specific calling on all of our lives, — Joseph, David, John The Baptist, Sampson Judas, Delilah.– and he knew what those callings were even before we entered our mother’s womb. We all have different purposes and different callings in our lives, but the one common denominator in all our callings is this: they cannot be accomplished by our own natural abilities. The things that God has called us to do will always be things that we cannot do in our own natural ability. We have been given assignments that we cannot complete if we try to do those assignments without God. The good news is that God is not asking us to fulfill the call of God on our lives without Him, by our own ability. God desires to work in us and through us to see to it that these “impossible” tasks are accomplished. In John 14:10 Jesus said,” Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth works.” Even Jesus, the Son of God, acknowledges that it is not him doing the works, but the Father dwelling in him that is doing the works. He went on to say in verse 12, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” When Jesus went to be with the Father, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in us John 16:7. It is the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God, living in us that will work through us and enable us to do these great and mighty works. The “impossible” will be accomplished in our lives when we yield to the God that is in us and allow Him to work through us. The same Father that was dwelling in Jesus and doing all of those awesome works is dwelling in us today. However, as long as we try to do things by ourselves and refuse to yield to God, who is in us, we will continue to come up short in fulfilling the call of God in our lives.
The question that we should all be asking ourselves is, “How do I yield to God and allow Him to work through me?” If we are going to yield to God and see Him work through us, then we have to yield to love. 1 John 4:8 says, “God is love.” If we are going to yield to God and see Him work through us, we are going to have to yield to the love of God and allow love to work through us. In every situation, no matter what the circumstances we have to yield to the love of God if we want to see God work in our lives. If love is working in us, then God is working through us. When we yield to the love of God and activate that love in our hearts, we allow God to work in us and through us to produce the best possible outcome in our lives. However, as long as the love of God lays dormant in our hearts, so too, does God lay dormant in our hearts. If God is lying dormant and not working in our hearts then we have no power. The love of God gives us access to the power of God. When that love is working in our hearts, we will see God’s power work through us in our lives.
The power of God cannot show up without the love of God being in place. The only reason that we have ever seen God’s power is because of the tremendous love that He has for us in His heart. For instance, when God sent Jesus and resurrected him from the dead, that was a manifestation of His power that came because of His great love for us. In Genesis when God created the Heavens and the Earth, the power to create came from the overwhelming desire in His heart to have children who He could love. The reason that we saw Jesus operate in the power of God and do the miracles that He did is because He always walked in the love of God. In Matthew 14:14 says, “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and healed their sick.” It was because of the love that was working in Jesus’ heart that activated the power of God to show up and heal the people. When compassion was working in Him, God worked through Him to heal the sick. The power of God will not show up in our lives until the love of God begins to work in our hearts. It is the love of God that places a demand on the power of God. If love is absent, then there is no demand for power
God has a strong desire to work through His children to reach the lost and dying world. However, God cannot do that until we allow Him to work through us by walking in the love of God. When love is working in us and flowing out of us towards people then God is working in us and flowing out of us towards people. Love is God’s way into the Earth. When believers yield to the love of God in them, then God can work through them to touch humanity. Why have we not seen God work more powerfully through men and women in the Body of Christ? The reason is because the Body of Christ has refused to love with the love of God and release that love in the direction of the lost world. God is not just going to work through us automatically because we are believers. We have to make the decision to yield to the love of God in our hearts and release that love towards people who are in need. The Body of Christ has only seen a limited manifestation of God’s power because as a whole we have refused to yield to the love of God. We have handcuffed God in our lives by keeping the love of God imprisoned in our hearts. We cannot continue to keep the love of God bound in our hearts and expect to see God work in our lives. If we are going to see God work in our lives then we are going to have to free the love of God in our hearts. We have to make the decision that we are going to love with the God-kind of love regardless of the circumstances around us. We have to make the decision to love with the God-kind of love even when nobody else is. The God-kind of love is unconditional and it has no limits. The God-kind of love is a one-sided love and it does not have to be loved to love. The God-kind of love will love when it is not easy to love, and it will love the unlovely 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. We have kept the God-kind of love trapped in our hearts and have loved with the human conditional type of love. That is why we have not seen God work in us and through us to the degree that He can. The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:14, “The love of Christ constraineth me.” Until we get to the point where the love of God is constraining everything that we do, everything that we say, and everything that we think, we will not see God’s power work through us at its full potential. However, if we will begin to walk in the God-kind of love and refuse to come out of that love for any reason, we will see God working in us and through in ways that we have never seen Him work before.