13 February, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 972 – February 14th, 2023 Mathew 16:19, Rev 3:7-10 |
Key is defined as a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, which is inserted into a lock and turned to open or close it. The key is defined in the scriptures as a symbol of power and authority! The nature of that power and authority varies depending on the context.
The issues or situations we face in life symbolize locks that need keys (various) to unlock or resolve them. A key can open or close depending on how you use it at the time. Without the key, you do not have the power or authority to open or close that door. In Mathew 16:19, we see that Jesus gave us the key. So, we can safely say that one of the important ingredients of a key is having the Knowledge of how to use it. We all have or have had a bunch of keys, keys to different doors or cars. If you don’t know which key opens what then it’s useless to you. As children of God, we have the key, different kinds, because different keys open different doors, question is do we know we have them and do we know how to use them? A key can keep you out or let you in, and knowing what the key symbolizes to you at each time is the knowledge needed to operate it correctly. There are so many keys in the Bible to open doors and different doors at that but we’d concentrate on a few today.
The word/Jesus, Worship, Prayers: Word of God represents the keys to unlocking various situations in our lives. Studying the word is what every believer should do 2 Timothy 2:15 says when we study, and we rightly divide the word, no need to be left in the dark or ashamed. We read that in the name of Jesus, every knee must bow Phil 2:10. What is the knee in your life? At His name, it bows period. Do you believe, do you know Him? The word says that every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. What are you confessing with your mouth? Those are all keys. Mathew 16:19, Isaiah 43:16, he had a key in his hand but didn’t know it because it came as a rod. What key are we holding but because we don’t know the Word, we’re not aware of it. There is no greater key than that name Jesus. In Luke 7:2-10 the centurion, in Mark 5:25-34 the woman with the issue of blood, in Mathew 8:1-3 the leper that said if you will. In Mark 4:34-41, Jesus was asleep in the stern and the disciples woke Him up. They at least knew to call Him because at that name every knee must bow and this time the storm. When you truly know Him and you know that you know that you know, at His name whatever that knee will bow because you have the key. In Acts 16:25-34, Paul and Silas worshipped and all doors opened. With the right key, the door will always open as long as you put it in the right keyhole.
Faith: Hebrews 11:6 Faith is the means by which we have a relationship with God. The key and what it opens have a relationship because it connects before it opens. By faith you decree things and it comes to pass, what are you decreeing in your life daily? The just shall live by faith. It took faith for the woman with the oil to keep pouring not knowing when it will stop. As long as the empty vessels kept showing up it kept pouring. It’s very critical and important to spend time in God’s word, faith cometh by hearing; Romans 10:17. WE need the word of God planted in our hearts otherwise we will not grow in faith. A wealth of information is in the word of God. It’s like entering a dark room and you don’t know where the light switch is or you want water and you don’t know to turn on the faucet, you’d die of thirst. You lose out on so much because of ignorance, yet the key is right there. Hosea 4:6 my people perish for lack of knowledge. Ignorance is our greatest enemy. The principles and precepts of God work differently just like all keys open different doors. The doors in our lives are vast and so are the keys
Fasting and Praying: Fasting is another form of a key. Mathew 17:21, Mark 9:29 Knowing which prayers to pray and when to fast for open doors. With the corporate fasting we’re doing now, we have the key, do we know that? Ways we can use that key 1. Fast for others, fast for whatever situation you’re going thru, for revival and soul-winning, health reasons, God’s divine protection and so much more
In conclusion, we must recognize that the Bible from Genesis to Revelation provides us with a bunch of keys to resolve our life situations. AS believers may we always know who we are, and the power we have, that has been given to us, and always be in obedience and compliance with God’s principles.