25 February, 2025
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO 1072 – February 25, 2025 The Faith of A Fifteen-Year-Old Daniel 1:1-21
The Old Testament is filled with examples worthy of our study and emulation such as Joseph, with his stand for God in the house of Potiphar. Joshua, was a great man of faith and conviction in his service to God. Another example that ought to inspire us all is that of Daniel. As a young man, his faith gave him the courage to remain true to his convictions. As an old man, his faith sustained him the threat of persecution. We first read about Daniel and his great faith, in the first chapter of the book of Daniel.
Daniel’s faith as a fifteen-year-old. It was a bleak day in the history of Israel, the beginning of Babylonian domination Daniel 1:1-2 In the third year of Jehoiakim in 605 B.C. Jerusalem was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar. Jehoiakim, the king, was taken into captivity with precious items taken from the Temple.
This was the first of three times that Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem (605, 597, 586 B.C.) Daniel and others were selected for special training. These young men were taken to serve Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 1:3-7 They were truly the cream of the crop among the captives, good-looking with no blemish. Gifted with wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to learn quickly. They were to serve in the king’s palace and be taught the language and literature of the Chaldeans (Babylonians). They were given special provisions of the king’s food and drink with three years of special training. Among those selected, four are named, and apparently renamed to honor Babylonian gods, Daniel (God is my judge) – Belteshazzar (a servant of Bel), Hananiah (the Lord is gracious) – Shadrach (inspired by the sun god), Mishael (who is what God is?) – Meshach (who is what the moon god is?), Azariah (the Lord helps) – Abed-Nego (servant of Nebo)
The QUESTION: How would these young men respond? Would they submit to the temptations placed before them? Would they give in, excusing themselves due to youth and inexperience? How would you have reacted if you were in their place?
DANIEL MAKES A DECISION. He “purposed in his heart” Daniel 1:8 that is, he made a commitment. Something too rarely heard of today, in both young and old. His commitment was to “not defile himself” with the king’s food. Possibly unclean food according to Levitical restrictions or food used in idol worship which would cause one to be a participant with such worship 1Corinthians 10:20-22
HOW DANIEL REMAINED TRUE TO HIS COMMITMENT. He did it with politeness Daniel 1:8b
We should note that “he requested”. He did not “demand”, but respected the authority of those over him.
1-He did it with God’s help Daniel 1:9 God gave him favor in the eyes of the chief of eunuchs. Similar to how Joseph found favor in prison Genesis 39:21He did it through persistence Daniel 1:10-11
2-He did not give up after the refusal by the chief of the eunuchs. He tried something else, going to the steward directly over them
3-He did it through willingness to test his faith Daniel 1:12-15 He was confident that God’s way was the right way. He was willing to demonstrate the superiority of God’s way. So he asked the steward to give him and his three friends just water and vegetables for ten days.
THE VALUE OF SUCH FAITH SEEN IN ITS RESULTS. It affected the lives of others. Daniel 1:15-16 It had blessed the countenance of Daniel and his friends. It then blessed the rest of the young men under the care of the steward. God blessed Daniel and his three friends even more Daniel 1:17-20
God gave them knowledge, skill, and wisdom, and to Daniel, He gave understanding in visions and dreams.
They became the best of the young men who had been trained and served in the presence of Nebuchadnezzar. The king found them better than all his magicians and astrologers. Daniel continued in the court of Babylon for nearly seventy years Daniel 1:21 Even to the first year of Cyrus of Persia (539 B.C.)
Eventually becoming provincial ruler and chief administrator over all others Daniel 2:48
Daniel was a wonderful example of faith and commitment, and of God’s providence to care for His people
How to succeed in keeping our commitment to the lord. 1-Be polite. There is never any reason to be rude or arrogant. Impoliteness just aggravates a situation rather than helps it Proverbs 15:1
2-Seek God’s help. Without God, any effort is more likely to fail Psalm 127:1-2 God seeks to help those who are loyal to Him 2 Chronicles 16:9
3-Be persistent. Don’t give up trying after meeting the first obstacle. We must remember what Jesus taught about persistence: Those who keep on “asking, seeking, knocking” will receive. They will find and have doors opened to them Matthew 7:7-11 Let us also remember the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8
4-Be willing to test your faith. If not willing, how committed are you to trusting God? God often invited people to test His promises Malachi 3:10 And so does Jesus John 7:16-17; Matthew 6:31-34
1-School-age children: Out from underneath their mother’s apron for the first time. They will be faced with making decisions. Will they have the faith of Daniel?
2-College-bound students: Moving away from home for the first time. Leaving a spiritual environment at home, for one that is likely very worldly. Will they live and act with the same sort of commitment found in Daniel?
3-Adults in the workplace. Tempted to accept jobs that may require one to compromise convictions. Called upon to lie for the boss, show loyalty to the company though illegal or unethical. Will they have “the faith of a fifteen-year-old”?
4-Those with unbelieving spouses. Having to serve God and raise their children in the ways of the Lord on their own with little or no moral and religious support from their life mate. Will they have the “purpose of heart” that Daniel had?
Many other applications could be made, but what have we learned from “The Faith of a Fifteen-Year-Old” like Daniel? Even those who are young need to make a personal commitment to serve the Lord. One can be steadfast in their purpose to serve the Lord without arrogance. We should look to the Lord for help and be willing to trust in His providence. God will bless and provide for those who put their trust in Him and His will.
Daniel is not the only person who has demonstrated such faith in his youth. We made mention of Joseph earlier, we have other examples in the Old Testament, such as David and Josiah. Let’s not forget the example of Mary (the mother of Jesus), and that of Timothy.
May the example of their dedication to the service of the Lord inspire us all to “purpose in our heart” and not to defile ourselves by the things of the world!