31 May, 2022
Post By : Admin
A true understanding of Bible prophecy should both motivate us to obey God’s Word and to share God’s invitation with a lost world
Even so, come, Lord Jesus! ARE YOU READY?
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 937 – May 31st 2022 Rev.22: 6- 21 |
Heaven is more than a destination; it is a motivation. Knowing that we shall dwell in the heavenly city ought to make a difference in our lives. The vision of the heavenly city motivated the patriarchs as they walked with God and served Him Heb.11: 10, 13- 16. Knowing that He was returning to the Father in heaven also encouraged Jesus Christ as He faced the cross Heb.12: 2. The assurance of heaven should spur us to fulfill our spiritual duties.
What does it mean to keep the words of the prophecy in this book? Basically, it means to guard, to watch over, to preserve intact. We must not add to the Word of God or take anything from it Deut.4: 2; Prov.30: 5- 6. It is a dangerous thing to tamper with the Word of God Rev.22: 18- 19. The one who guards the Word and obeys it will be blessed; the one who alters it will be disciplined in some way. John was overwhelmed by what he saw and heard, and he fell down to worship the angel who was speaking to Him. The angel gave Apostle John three words of counsel: Do not worship angels; Worship God, and do not seal up the revelation.
Whatever good things we know to do, we should continue in them because Jesus Christ’s coming will occur so quickly that men will not have time to change their characters Rev.22: 7, 10- 12. Decisions determine character, and character determines destiny.
Is it worth it to live a godly life? Yes! Jesus is coming back, and He will reward you according to your work. “My reward is with Me” implies that God is mindful of our sufferings and our service, and nothing will ever be done in vain if it is done for Him. At the judgement seat of Christ, believers will be judged according to their works, and rewards will be given to those who have been faithful. Rev.22: 13 is a great encouragement to anyone who seeks to serve the Lord. Whatever God starts, He will finish, for He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last Phil.1: 6; 2: 12- 13. No wonder John added in Rev.22: 14 “Blessed are those who do His commandments”. If we truly believe that Jesus is coming soon, we will watch and be faithful to our calling Lk.12: 35.
We must keep our lives clean – Rev.22: 15- 16. The contrast here is between those who do God’s commandments and enter the city, and those who reject His Word and are excluded from the city Rev.21: 8, 27. Our Lord’s titles in Rev.22: 16 are most interesting. The root is buried in the ground where no one can see it, but the star is in the heavens where everyone can see it. One speaks of humility, the other of majesty and glory. As the offspring of David, Jesus came into this world, born a Jew from David’s line. The morning star announces dawn’s soon arrival. Jesus Christ will come for His church as the Morning Star. But when He returns to judge, it will be as the Sun of Righteousness in burning fury Mal.4: 1- 3. Because God’s people look for their Lord’s return, they keep their lives clean and dedicated to Him 1Jh.2: 28 – 3: 3.
We must keep expecting Jesus Christ to return – Rev.22: 17, 20- 21. Three times in this closing chapter John wrote “I (Christ) come quickly” Rev.22: 7, 12, 20. But He has delayed His return for nearly 2,000 years. God wants to give this sinful world opportunity to repent and be saved 2Pet.3: 8- 9. In the meantime, the Spirit of God through the church (the bride), calls for Jesus to come, for the bride wants to meet her Bridegroom and enter her home Rev.22: 20.
Believers ought to invite lost sinners to trust Christ and drink the water of life. Indeed, when the church lives in expectancy of Christ’s return, such an attitude provokes ministry and evangelism as well as purity of heart. We want to tell others of the grace of God.
In Conclusion – A true understanding of Bible prophecy should both motivate us to obey God’s Word and to share God’s invitation with a lost world.