14 March, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 976 – March 14th, 2023 |
The blessings enjoyed in Christ include not only redemption but renewal. In baptism, we undergo a “washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit” Tit 3:5. From baptism, we rise to “walk in newness of life” Rom 6:4 2. The renewal we find in Christ involves the concept of spiritual growth. Just as a healthy physical life is one of growth, so too a healthy spiritual life is a process of growth. Sadly, not all Christians grow spiritually. Many have been Christians for years, with little change or improvement. They are no more, often less, useful to the Lord than when they first became Christians. Failing to grow, they become stagnant, like a pool of water. That is because “Spiritual Growth Is a Choice”. It doesn’t happen by default, unlike physical growth. Spiritual growth like emotional maturity occurs only when we choose to grow. If we do not make that choice and stick to it, there will be no spiritual growth.
To encourage us to make the right choice regarding spiritual growth, consider that “Spiritual Growth Is
COMMANDED BY GOD. The Great Commission in Mt 28:18-20. Jesus commanded His apostles to make disciples, baptizing them, Teaching them to observe all things. Implicit in the command to teach, is that disciples would be obedient learners, i.e., constantly growing as they learned and obeyed their Lord.
EXPLICITLY STATED IN THE APOSTOLIC EPISTLES. Peter ends his second epistle with a command to grow 2 Pe 3:18. We are to grow in grace, we are to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Peter begins his second epistle describing how we are to grow – 2 Pe 1:5-8. Adding to your faith such graces as virtue, knowledge, self-control, etc. Abounding in these graces is being fruitful, which implies growth. Christians who did not grow, were sternly rebuked e.g., Heb 5:12-6:1. Spiritual growth is not an option, reserved for a few select Christians. The Word of God commands us to grow! We should also remember that “Spiritual Growth Is a Choice” that requires diligent effort.
Unlike physical growth, People grow physically by default unless there is some disorder. No effort is required on our part; we mature physically whether we want to or not. Don’t think just because you grow older, you are growing spiritually.
SPIRITUAL GROWTH REQUIRES CONCENTRATED EFFORT. Jesus said it requires labor. Jn 6:27. Paul wrote that it requires work, pressing on. Ph 2:12; 3:13-14. Peter wrote that it requires diligence. 2 Pe 1:5,10 Like physical health, spiritual growth requires regular exercise. 1 Tim 4:7-8. Spiritual growth is not easy. We must work at it. Today. Tomorrow. Always. But we can take comfort in knowing that
Spiritual Growth Is a Choice that is assisted by God. WE ARE NOT ALONE IN OUR EFFORTS. While we work out our salvation, God is at work in us. Ph 2:12-13
Just as He was with us in producing our new birth, Tit 3:5, God desires to complete the work He started when He saved us. Ph 1:6
WE ARE STRENGTHENED BY GOD IN OUR EFFORTS. He strengthens us by His Spirit in our inner man.
Ep 3:16 He empowers us with unimaginable power that is in us. Ep 3:20
He provides the armor to stand strong in the power of His might. Ep 6:10-11. There is no excuse not to grow, for Christ strengthens us. Ph 4:13. With God as our aid, spiritual growth is possible. And not mediocre growth, but spiritual growth beyond what limits we might think to hinder us!
Finally, let us remember that “Spiritual Growth Is a Choice” that is
As we grow in grace. 2 Pe 3:18. We experience the blessings of the grace in which we stand. Such as peace with God and rejoicing in hope. Ro 5:1-2
As we grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2 Pe 3:18. We experience the blessings of adding virtue, knowledge, self-control, etc. to our faith. Such as a victorious life, in which we do not stumble to fall.
2 Pe 1:10 Indeed, it is spiritual growth that ensures the “abundant life” now that Jesus promised. Jn 10:10
THE BLESSINGS CONTINUE INTO THE LIFE TO COME 1. We will experience an “abundant entrance” into the everlasting kingdom. 2 Pe 1:11. In some way, our works do follow us. Rev 14:13. At the very least, we know that our labors will not be in vain. 1 Co 15:58
CONCLUSION: We have been talking about growth; but not just any growth, for not all growth is good. The hearts of some grow dull. Mt 13:15. The love of many grows cold. Mt 24:12. There is the danger of growing weary in doing good. Gal 6:9; 2 Th 3:13. There is the possibility of growing corrupt according to deceitful lusts. Ep 4:22. There is a danger of growing wanton against Christ 1Tim 5:11. There are those who grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 2 Tim 3:13. Like the growth of cancerous cells, the wrong growth can be deadly. We have been talking about spiritual growth, the kind of growth that is, Commanded by God, requires diligent effort, is Assisted by God, and is Blessed by God. It is this kind of growth that Peter enjoined as he closed his epistle – 2 Pe 3:18.
What kind of growth is taking place in your spiritual life? Is it a deadly kind of growth, creating dull hearts, love that is cold, weariness in doing good, and even moral corruption?
Or is it a vibrant kind of growth in which we are abounding in love, joy, and peace, being faithful and fruitful in our service to Jesus Christ? One kind of growth is often the result of neglect, the other kind of growth comes only when we make the right choice! If we desire to experience the blessings of the right kind of growth, then never forget that “Spiritual Growth Is a Choice” Are you making the right choice today and every day…?
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Mt 11:28