15 April, 2024
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1031 – April 16, 2024 SERVING THE WAY JESUS SERVED John 13: 1- 17.
Hardly anyone desires to be a servant. Most people prefer to be served. Yet Jesus Christ repeatedly challenges the societal norms and reveals that whoever wants to be great must be ready to serve (be a servant). Matt.20: 25- 28, Mk.9: 33- 35. We see that even though He was God in human flesh, He willingly took upon Himself the mantle of humanity and all of its frailty. Phil.2: 5- 8. He not only willingly did this but demonstrates to us that as human beings we also have the capability to live lives worthy of the Lord and to be the people He desires us to be. Jesus showed the way to be great by giving pertinent instructions and displaying a servant’s attitude washing the feet of His disciples on the night before He was arrested and crucified.
Let us look at some of the exemplary attributes (which we will also need to emulate) that Christ exhibited in His service as well as in His obedience and response to the will of God, the Father.
Christ had no identity crisis: Jh.13: 2- 3. He was not dependent on the opinions of others for His self identity. Jh.7: 28- 29, Jh.8: 14- 18. This gave Him the freedom to serve because He knew who He was as well as what He had been sent to do. Heb.12: 2. He did not feel sorry for Himself for the reason of what was going to happen to Him nor was He feeling too ‘big’ carrying out his purpose/assignment because He knew His destination (the outcome). Eph.1:20- 22. The disciples wouldn’t wash each other’s feet probably because they were afraid of what others would think of them. Their self-image was being determined by or dependent on others’ opinions/views.
Principle: If we know who we are in Christ, we will have no inhibitions about serving because we are simply following in the footsteps of Christ and have been empowered to do so. Jh.14: 12. We need to know we are secure and valuable because God loves us and has put his seal upon us, and not because others like us or think highly of us. Ephe.2: 10; 2Cor.5: 20
Christ loved his disciples completely: Jn.13: 1. What Christ did by washing His disciples’ feet is the result of His unconditional love for them. Rom.5: 8. It was not because it was their right, neither did they deserve it or were they going to repay Him with good. And this shows us that genuine love is the motivation for steadfast service. Matt.20: 28, Jh.15: 12- 13.
Principle: We are not expected to render service only to those we ‘think’ deserve it or can repay the gesture but let the love of Christ be the driving force. 1Jh.4: 7- 11, Gal.6: 9- 10.
Christ being troubled with His own situation did not stop His service: Matt.26: 36- 38. Christ lived above the circumstances He was going through because He did not focus on his own tribulations. Sometimes we feel we can’t take on anybody else’s problems because we are already overwhelmed with our own trouble(s). And we so fix our eyes on ourselves and those ‘problems’ such that we are not sensitive to or aware of the needs of others, nor are we in the right frame of mind to render help.
Principle: No matter how unfavorable things are going for us, we have no excuse for not serving others. 2Cor.4:16- 17, Rom.15:1- 3a
Christ was not deterred by the evil directed at Him: Jh.13: 2, 21, 37- 38. Jesus already knew the wicked things that would be done to Him but that did not dissuade Him from rendering His selfless service. Jh.6: 64. He was aware he would be betrayed by one of His disciples, disowned by another and deserted by all of them for a time but He still loved and served them to the end.
Principle: The evil in the world or evil that is done to us should not be a factor in rendering our service to God and to others. Gal.5: 13- 15
Christ rendered service in humility: Jh.13: 3- 5. Jesus had probably waited to give the disciples a chance to serve and do the washing of the feet. But when it became obvious that no one was going to do it, He “rose from supper and laid aside His garments” (position), took up the lowly job and did it without an attitude, with all gladness and in all humility. 2Cor. 8: 9. Peter must have been confused seeing his Master behaving like a ‘slave’. Jh.13: 6- 8. He did not understand Jesus’ teaching that to be a leader, a person must be a servant.
Principle: As Christians, we should not just yearn for the position of superiority to others and become unwilling to be functionally inferior in service to God and humanity. Mk.10: 35- 45
Significance of the washing of the feet of the disciples: The most obvious and significant application we see in Christ washing His disciples’ feet is that as His disciples, we should be willing to serve and minister in any way that glorifies God. Christ showed his servant attitude as an example for us to follow. Jh.13: 12- 15. And there is a special blessing for those who not only accept that humble service is Christ’s way but also follow through and do it. Jh.13: 7, Phil.2: 5- 11.
In Conclusion: Jh.13: 34- 35. If our way of life indeed involves an attitude of true love for one another like Christ had for us, then we will desire to pursue a life of Christian service filled with all diligence, sincerity and a true purpose of heart. 1Pet.2: 9, 1Cor.13: 1- 3.