19 February, 2021
Post By : Admin
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MEMORY VERSE – Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3: 18
LESSON TEXT – Genesis 1: 11-12
On the third day of creation, God’s Word created vegetation. He commanded vegetation to come out of the earth. It is important to note that the vegetation included grass, an herb that yield seed, and the fruit tree that yield fruit according to its kind. Note that plant life comes out of the earth. We must not ignore what God said, “after its kind.” All plants and vegetation reproduce themselves as pronounced by God. All have the same source, earth, but each plant is independent with separate existence, character, and purpose as pronounced by God. So a seed put into the ground, and given the right conditions, temperature, light, and moisture in the right proportion, will, after the passage of time, grow into a new plant. The new plant grows until it begins to yield more seeds. If we must engage the law of seedtime and harvest effectively, a good understanding of a seed and its potential is important, as well as how to effectively harness these potentials. This understanding is the bedrock of this lesson. It is our prayer that the Lord will teach us today in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
· A seed has a potential for perpetual reproduction as designed by God, Gen. 1: 11-12
· The reproduction is often in multiple compared to the seed itself; Gen. 26: 12.
· A seed though small has locked within it the potential to produce something far much larger plant with branches; Mark. 4: 30-32
· Man depend on these fruits and seeds for preservation, Gen. 47: 19, 23-25
The Bible allows us to know that a seed is not necessarily a plant and that the law of sowing and reaping can apply to several areas of life with the same result. The actions and things that can typify seed, which under the appropriate conditions and passage of time, will produce a bountiful harvest include the following:
· Mercy – Mercy can be sown as a seed by deliberately showing mercy to those who otherwise do not deserve it; Matt. 5: 7; 6: 13; Jam. 2: 13.
· Generosity, especially to the poor – Gal. 6: 9-10; Pro. 11: 24-25; Lev. 19: 10, 17; 23: 22; Dt. 15: 7-8; Lk. 6: 38. It must be noted that this requires faith in the Lord, Pro. 3: 5; Ref. the widow of Zarephath, 1 Kg. 17.
· Assistance to support laborers in God’s vineyard – Phil. 4: 15-19. The result is that the windows of heaven will open over us. This is guaranteed harvest, 2 Cor. 9: 8; Eph. 3: 20.
· Good works (in Christ) to saints and all men – Matt. 5: 10; Gal. 6: 9-10; Lk. 6: 38
· Tithe and offering – Mal. 3: 10-12
· The Word of God – God expects us to sow the good news of salvation because He wants everybody to be saved, Jn. 15: 16; 2 Tim. 1: 11; Matt. 28: 19-20; 2 Pet. 3: 9; 1 Tim. 2: 4. They therefore need somebody to sow the good news into their lives, Rom. 10: 13-14.
God by design has put great potentials within a seed. A good understanding of these potentials is the first step to a bountiful harvest. It is equally important to take definite actions to ensure the unlocking of the seed potentials.
How did God perpetuate the reproduction of vegetation, and fruit trees?
What are three ways to unlock the potentials within a seed?
Class attendants should be asked to give examples of bad seeds.