07 June, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 886 – June 8, 2021 Col.3: 15- 17 |
The peace of Christ – Col.3: 15 Apostle Paul turned from character to conduct. How can a Christian know when he is doing God’s will? One answer is the peace of Christ in the heart. When a believer loses his inner peace, he knows that he’s not in good standing with God. The peace of God is the umpire in our believing hearts. When we obey the will of God, we have His peace within, but when we step out of His will (even unintentionally), we lose His peace. We must beware, however, of a false peace in the heart. Jonah deliberately disobeyed God, yet he was able to go to sleep in the hold of a ship in a storm. If we have peace in our hearts, we will be at peace with others. We are called to one body, and our relationship in that body must be one of harmony and peace. Jonah thought he was at peace, when actually his sins created a storm. When there is peace in the heart, there will be praise on the lips Col.3: 15. The Christian out of God’s will is never found giving sincere praise to God. When David covered up his sins, he lost his peace and his praise; when he confessed his sins, then his song returned Ps.32: 1- 5; Ps.51: 14- 15.
The Word of Christ – Col.3: 16 it was not the word of false teachers that brought salvation to the Colossians; it was the Word of the truth of the gospel Col.1: 5. This same Word gives us life and sustains and strengthens us 1Pet.1: 22- 25; 2: 1- 3. The Word will transform our lives if we will permit it to dwell in us richly. The word dwell means “to feel at home”. If we have experienced the grace and the peace of Christ, then the Word of Christ will feel at home in our hearts. There is according to Apostle Paul a definite relationship between our knowledge of the Bible and our expression of worship in song. One way we teach and encourage ourselves and others is through the singing of the Word of God. But if we do not know the Bible and understand it, we cannot honestly sing it from our hearts. It is a dangerous thing to separate the praise of God from the Word of God. Our singing must be from our hearts and not just our lips. But if the Word of God is not in our hearts, we cannot sing from our hearts. This shows how important it is to know the Word of God, for it enriches our public and private worship of God. Our singing must be with grace. It takes grace to sing when we are in pain, or when circumstances seem to be against us. It certainly took grace for Paul and Silas to sing in that Philippian prison. As a believer grows in his knowledge of the Word, he will want to grow in the expression of praise.
The name of Christ – Col.3: 17 in modern society, we pay little attention to names. But the ancient world held a man’s name to be of utmost importance. Often during Old Testament days, God changed a person’s name because of some important experience or some new development.
As Christians, we bear the name of Christ (Identification). The word Christian is found only three times in the entire New Testament Acts.11:26; 26: 28; 1Pet.4: 16. The name was given originally as a term of contempt, but gradually it became a name of honor.
His name also means authority. A man’s name signed on a check authorizes the withdrawal of money from the bank. The president’s name signed on a bill makes it law. In the same way, it is in the name of Jesus Christ that we have the authority to pray Jh.14: 13- 14; 16: 23- 26. Because Jesus Christ is God, and He has died for us, we have authority in His name. We must do and say everything on the authority of His name and for the honor of His name.
Bearing the name of Jesus is a great privilege, but it is also a tremendous responsibility. We suffer persecution because we bear His name Jh.15: 20- 21. Every parent tries to teach his children to honor the family name. In just a few minutes, a person can disgrace a name that it has taken his ancestors to build.
Whatever we do in the name of Christ ought to be joined with thanksgiving.
As we review these spiritual motivations for godly living, we are impressed with the centrality of Jesus Christ. We forgive because Christ forgave us Col.3: 13. It is the peace of Christ that should rule in our hearts Col.3: 15. The Word of God should dwell in us richly Col.3: 16. The name of Christ should be our identification and authority. Christ is all in all Col.3: 11.
In Conclusion – Because we have experienced the grace of Christ, we want to live for Him. Because we have enjoyed the peace of Christ, we want to obey Him. We have been enriched and empowered by the name of Christ; therefore, we want to honor and glorify Him.