05 March, 2021
Post By : Admin
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SUNDAY SCHOOL – March 7, 2021
MEMORY VERSE – “In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, Titus 2: 7
a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, Titus 2: 7
LESSON TEXT: Mark 16: 15-18
In these days of shallow evangelism, there is a need for an extra spiritual effort on the souls saved to get them established, localized in a church fellowship and mobilized until they too become soul winners. This is the essence of this series. May the Holy Spirit teach and give us full understanding, in Jesus’ name.
The primary purpose for our election into the family of God is to go forth and bear fruits, John. 15: 16;
Rom. 7: 4. Failing to carry out this instruction may be disastrous in that it may lead to an
eternal loss of fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ, John. 15: 1-2; Matt. 3: 10; Heb. 6: 8, 15: 1-2; Matt. 3: 10; Heb. 6: 8.
We are to preach the gospel and not our human ideas or religious philosophy, 1 Cor. 15: 1-4.
It is commanded of every one that is born again to preach the gospel, Mk. 16: 16; Matt. 28: 19-20; Jn. 20: 21; Acts 1: 8; 2 Tim. 2: 2.
The Lord is NOT expecting any excuse. God is expecting us to do good works to the glory of His name, Matt. 5: 16; Jam. 3: 13.
Jesus ordained the believers not only to bear fruits but also to ensure that the fruits abide, John.15:
16. In order to achieve this, therefore, efforts must be geared towards conserving, maturing and multiplying of the fruits, Col. 1: 28.
An essential tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit to achieve this is the man or woman sold out to the ministry of follow-up of the souls.
Biblical examples include the early Apostles particularly Paul, Acts 15: 36; Acts 16: 5;
Acts 2: 46; Phil. 2: 19-20; Eph. 1: 15-18; Acts 18: 18-23.
The principles adopted included spending quality time in prayers and Bible study with the souls as led by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is pleased to increase the work of grace in a life when our trust and confidence in God is expressed in
the new convert to suitable and appropriate truths in the Holy Bible, Acts 2: 41-47.
The Lord’s command is that all born again Christians should bear fruits and equally importantly, that the fruits
should abide. Having examined some basic principles, it is only worth it to put into practice all taught in this lesson.
Call on the Holy Spirit today and He will help you.
1. What is the Lord’s command concerning fruits bearing?
2. Mention some dangers of fruitlessness.
3. Give Biblical examples of fruitfulness.
MON: 1 Cor. 9: 16;
TUE: Matt. 24:14;
WED: Matt. 28: 20;
THUR: Mk. 13: 10
FRI: Lk. 24: 47;
SAT: Acts 1: 8;
SUN: 1Thess. 1: 3