11 November, 2024
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1059 November 12, 2024 Remember Me God
Tonight, we’re diving into a powerful and personal topic ‘God Remember Me’. This can evoke a deep sense of trust, vulnerability, and a longing for connection with the divine. This cry is found throughout scripture, from the stories of those who felt forgotten to the promises of a God who never forsakes His people. As we reflect on this topic, We’ll see how God’s remembrance isn’t just about recollection, but about His active care, faithfulness, love and intervention in our lives. Let’s open our hearts to discover how God’s remembrance brings hope, restoration, and assurance in every season.
Do you sometimes feel forgotten by God? Why do you think it is so? Could you be sleeping when God remembers you? There is no stopping any one God has decided to remember. Do we have anything to do with God remembering us? Can we ask Him to remember us? Luke 23:42 The thief had more faith than a lot of the disciples. How much faith do we have in the King of Kings Neh13:14 So, how does God remember us?
1.God Remembers His Promises:
In Gen 8:1-6 After the flood, God remembered Noah, showing that even when we’re amidst a long trial, God has not forgotten us. It shows us that when we’re obedient and patient, we can trust that God will remember us and bring relief at the right time. Noah sent out a bird to see if it was safe to go, and he didn’t get out of the ark until God told him to. Do we wait for The Lord or do we go ahead always with plan B
Joseph is another example of waiting patiently and believing God and that showed up in Gen 41. The dream he had at 17, came to pass. How long is long, what could happen when we don’t wait? and take matters into our own hands? Any examples in the bibles and in real life?
2.God Remembers His Covenant
Exodus 2:24-25 The Israelites were in slavery, and in their suffering, God remembered His promise to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So in our time of difficulty, we can cry out to God knowing He is faithful and will act in His time. When God remembers, there is a turn around. Whenever you feel forgotten by God, remember that He has a masterplan that we cannot see. In Gen 46:3-4, God told Jacob to go, that He will make him a great nation. Did they become a great nation? Do you truly believe in God’s promises? We cannot let fear in because it shows that we don’t believe God can take care of us.
- God Remembers Rachel
Genesis 30:22 Rachel who was barren have been praying for a child. God remembered her by opening her womb allowing her to give birth to Joseph. Meanwhile though she took matters into her hands and gave her servant to her husband, the plan B when we don’t have the faith/patience to wait. When God remembers, He visits and bring His agenda with Him and aligns everything to His purpose.
- God Remembers The Humble
In 1 Samuel 1:19-20, Hannah was barren and prayed fervently to The Lord for a child, God remembered her and blessed her with Samuel. She brought her problem honestly before God even in her discouraged state. When we come to God with humility, prayer, and persistence, He answers because we ask.
- God Remembers Us When We Are Repentant
Nehemiah 1:8-9 Nehemiah prayed reminding God of His promises to bring the people back if they repent and return to Him. When we stray, God remains faithful and when we repent, He forgives us showing He remembers us even in our mistakes. Nehemiah used his position at that time to intercede for God’s people. We are all placed in strategic positions in our lives. What we do or not do with it is what matters.
- God Remembers Us Through Others
Esther 6:1-3 God can cause people to remember us at the right time, when we think nothing is happening, He’s working in the unseen. God’s timing, Favor with others God will give us favor with the right people at the right time. It might seem coincidental, but God is always at work putting things in place/position.
- God Never Forgets Us
Isaiah 49:15-16 God assures us that His love and care for us is deeper than a mother for her child. If others forget us, God will never forget us. He has engraved us on His hands. If we ever feel forgotten, we must self-evaluate and ask if we have forsaken and forgotten him, because He will not.
In every season of life, whether in trials, waiting, or blessing, we can trust that God will always remember us. His promises are sure and He is faithful to fulfill them. The question is do we know His promises so we can tap into them in prayer