17 January, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 968 – January 17th, 2023 Matthew 22:34-39 |
If you were to boil the Christian life down into one word what would that word be? At the risk of being too simplistic, I submit that the word would be “Relationships”. When Jesus was asked about the most important commandment, He talked about one’s relationship with God the Father. He pointedly indicated that one’s relationship with his fellow man is a close second. It is a safe assumption then that relationships are at the core of Christian living. Today, I want us to look at some considerations about our relationships Matthew 22:34-39
- Priorities of Relationships
A. There are at least six levels of relationships: God, Self, Spouse, Children, Church, and others. Unless the above order of priority is honored one’s life becomes out of balance and happiness eludes us. Where does your job appear on the list? Many women place their priority on Children while too many pastors place their priority on the church.
- Problems in Relationships
We are imperfect human beings living in an imperfect world. So are our relationships. Given below are the most common problems in relationships.
Unresolved Offenses: There are three things you can do, regardless of the fact whose fault it is. First, confront the conflict with an eye to resolving it or you can ignore it and pretend it will go away. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Lastly, insist on your “rights” and refuse to resolve it. This will permanently damage the relationship beyond repair.
Un-forgiveness: It is lunacy to think that your un-forgiveness hurts the other person! Remember the Lord’s Prayer. “Forgive us…as we forgive others.” When we refuse to forgive, we dam up our lives to prevent God’s grace from flowing in us.
Uncontrolled Tongue: When you gossip you poison two minds. The person that listens to you and yourself. (How do you feel the next time you see the other person?
Unwise Actions or Conduct: Be more sensitive to the implications of your actions. Be quick to confess when you have hurt someone else. Be quick to forgive when you are done wrong. Unfulfilled Expectations: Many times, they are unrealistic expectations. The answer: get your eyes off people and on Jesus. Accept the human nature of people. Honesty: for fear that a relationship might not survive if you tell the truth, you lie to salvage it, however, that might sustain it in the short term but because lying and not honesty have become the bedrock of the relationship, it is bound to unravel.
Boundaries: no matter the type of relation, boundaries are very important. Just like we build fences to protect our properties, so should we build boundaries spiritually or physically to be protected from some of the mishaps in relationships
- Fixing broken Relationships
It’s important that you address the issues in your relationships. These tips can help you.
Confront: Confront without delaying any further. There is nothing to be gained by delay; the sooner—the better. Matthew 5:21-24
Compromise: Be willing to compromise; Be willing to bend; it doesn’t always have to be your way. Examine the way you treat each other. It’s a difficult fact to come to terms with, but some friendships aren’t worth repairing. Evaluate whether your friendship is healthy and mutually beneficial, not necessarily mutually beneficiary materially or spiritually. Sometimes you might be more blessed spiritually or physically and would need to lift the other person up Proverbs 25:8-10.
Commit: Make a commitment; Be “reconciled to each other”. Restore the relationship and commitment to each other. People’s conviction to remain together is all that defines commitment. Couples can freely express their feelings, thoughts, and desires because of the safety and security that the relationship provides. All types of relationships require commitment
Ephesians 4:32
Relationships are everything, and we can see them every day and every minute of every day in this world. If we consider relationships as a whole, it will be the largest and most complicated topic we have ever discussed, and it will never end. We feel really good about ourselves and our relationships in the beginning, but as time goes on, some relationships struggle to maintain that sparkling feeling, and at the end of that rocky road, all we can see are broken hearts. Because relationships are so complex and such a personal experience, we are unable to precisely define what commitment to a relationship entails. However, there are signs of a healthy and committed relationship that we can all recognize
Jesus indicated that our first priority was to have a proper vertical relationship with God, and then, a proper horizontal relationship with our fellow man. You can’t have the first without the second. What is your relationship with God today? What about your relationship with your fellow man?