19 April, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 879 – APRIL 20, 2021
God’s Mercy won’t be rationed. How often do we let our pride and sinful nature get the best of us and neglect to show others the mercy we were shown in Jesus? How often do we lose opportunities to show the world the overwhelming love and extravagant mercy of our Father by withholding mercy from the people in our lives who need it most? God’s mercy is full of mercy and compassion for His children. The mercy of God is the goodness of God. God’s grace cannot be separated from His mercy and love. Isaiah 60:10. His mercy cannot be separated from God’s other attribute of grace. The Bible teaches us that: God’s mercy is obtained in the presence of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Philippians 3:13. Mercy triumphed over judgment when Christ died for sinners, to rescue us from the condemnation we surely deserved. It was and still is the most extraordinary display of mercy in history. We are sinful people and we absolutely do not deserve the goodness and love our Father shows us, but each and every time we stray, He relentlessly calls us back to Him and shows us incomprehensible grace and mercy. When we understand the wildness of God’s never-ending mercy, we will be compelled to live it out in our own lives.
Today’s teaching and exhortation is for you if you are currently facing challenges, doubts, rejection, neglect, fears and phobias, despise, struggles, downturns, bad-luck, insecurities, other negative things. It is for:
1. It is for anyone who is looking up to God for upliftment.
2. It is for anyone here who is going through a wilderness experience and wondering if He will ever get out of it.
3. It is for anyone that is feeling despondent and as if he or she has reached the end of the road.
God’s mercy turns a rejected person into the accepted and beloved. God’s mercy turns levels insurmountable obstacles turning them into steppingstones for greatness. God’s mercy turns a nonentity into the cornerstone of a family or community. That God will have mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy. Exodus 33:19. The mercy of God is God’s kindness in action. Psalm 51:1. God’s mercy secures our pardon from the wages of sin which is death. Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:10, Ephesians 2:4-5. Mercy obtains for us help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-17. Mercy is not dependent on our ability or strength but God’s grace. Romans 9:16. Mercy is not earned but granted by God’s grace alone. Hebrews 4:16.
God’s mercy manifests in various ways. God’s mercy manifest in His salvation plan for the redemption of man back to Himself. After all, He created man for His own pleasure! God’s mercy manifests in His forgiveness and His pardoning of our sins and iniquities. Numbers 14:19, Proverbs 28:13. God’s mercy manifests in his sending us Jesus as a man to live in our midst so that He can be an example to us as to how to live the Kingdom life. God’s mercy manifested in Jesus coming as a man so that He will be a High Priest that understands our infirmities and our human frailties and weaknesses. Hebrew 4:15. The mercy of God is God’s kindness in action. Psalm 51:1. God’s mercy secures our pardon from the wages of sin which is death. Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:10, Ephesians 2:4-5.
God showers His mercy on the following groups of people. Those that know Him and have become His friends. Proverbs 3:1-4. Those that obey His word and keep His commandments. Psalm 25:10, Exodus 20:6. Those that are willing to forgive and show mercy to others. Matthew 5:7. The righteous. 1 Kings 3:6. Those that are willing to let go of the baggage from the past and move forward. Philippians 3:13. Those that have faith in God and totally depend on Him. Not one leg in, one leg out. Psalm 32:10. Those that fear God. Luke 1:50, Psalm 103:11. The just such as Noah in the Bible. Genesis 6:9. God’s servants that walk holy before Him.
God’s mercy purges our sins and iniquities. Proverbs 3:1-4. God’s mercy brings favor with men and with God. Genesis 39:21. Victory over unfavorable circumstances and men. Psalm 59:10, 136:24. God’s faithfulness and preservation. Job 10:12. Opens the heavens over a person’s life so that prayers are answered and blessings abound. Luke 1:30-32. Affords new beginnings and new things. Psalm 32:10. Brings honor and glory. Psalm 89:24. Keeps you from falling. Genesis 6:9. Restoration. Joel 2:25.