27 August, 2024

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DIGGING DEEP NO  1050 – August 27, 2024

                           Our Speech as Christians



Christians are to give careful heed to their speech avoiding corrupt words and speaking that which edifies Ephesians 4:29 we must abstain from filthy talk, giving thanks instead Ephesians 5:4 The book of Proverbs has much to say about the power of speech. Our speech has both the power to tear down and to build upProverbs 11:9,11



Lying. The Bible talks about Lying lips, and a lying tongue. This is an abomination to God Proverbs 12:226:17-19 Bearing false witness which is often fostered by hatred Proverbs 10:1826:24-28 Lying will eventually destroy the liar, and often the one lied about.

Flattery. These are not sincere compliments, but deceitful praise to win another’s favor and to manipulate. This is a source of ruin Proverbs 26:2829:5 Flattery often crush others by entrapping those who are flattered and its often used effectively by the adulteress Proverbs 6:247:21Like lying, flattery can destroy both the user and the subject of it.

Gossip. Also known as the tale-bearer, slanderer, and whisperer Proverbs 11:13 says The gossiper reveals secrets.

Unlike a faithful person, gossiping betrays and destroys friendships Proverbs 17:9 By repeating a matter it creates strife Proverbs 16:27-2826:20-22 Gossipping destroys character and integrity Proverbs 11:925:9-10 Gossipping reveals the perverse character of the gossiper whose words are like wood to a fire. Gossipping breeds hatred among believers which should not beThe one who gossips is a true hypocrite, whose own reputation will eventually be ruined. Gossip destroys both the user and the subject.

Cursing. The Bible frowns to cursing especially one’s parents Proverbs20:20Exodus 21:17Leviticus 20:9 under the Law of Moses, it was a capital offense. We should not be cursing even our associates Proverbs 30:10 even maligning a lowly servant or subordinates at our employments can be disastrous. Speaking evil of others harms one’s self as much as those spoken against.

As James tells us in his epistle, there is great danger in misuse of the tongue James 3:2-12. But there can also be much good done through proper speech Proverbs 15:4



Good words. These are the words of the righteous, the ideal words of a professed Christian. The appropriate speech from the Christian. It is described as a Well of life in Proverbs 10:11,20-21 Good words are as choice silver. Pleasant words are like a honeycomb that provides sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Christians should provide comforting words to the anxious and depressed making their hearts glad Proverbs 12:25 Such speech reveals the good heart of the speaker

Timely words. Well-timed words spoken in due season provide joy and are good to the hearer Proverbs 15:2325:11 Well-thought words studied carefully by a righteous person on how best to answer reveal the wisdom of the speaker. This should be coming from the speech of the real Christian. Proverbs 15:28

Controlled words benefit the one who speaks. It preserves the life of the one who guards his mouth, defusing potentially violent situations and keeps one’s soul from trouble Proverbs 13:2-315:1-221:23 Controlled words reveal true knowledge and understanding of our position as children of light that are Heaven bound Proverbs 10:1917:27-28 Even a fool will benefit from the Christian by speaking words, with a calm spirit. Such speech will enhance the reputation of the speaker


CONCLUSIONFrom Proverbs, a True Child of God – The Christian –  learns the value of being careful of his/her speech, and avoiding much harm to self and to others. With good and seasoned speech, we do much good to ourselves and to others. Paul was so concerned that he advised Christians in Colossians 4:6 to Let their speech always be with grace” He also advised the Christians in Ephesians 4:29 not to Let unwholesome words come out of their mouths, only good words.

Are we Christians, and Do we truly appreciate the importance and wisdom of the right kind of Speech?


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