20 January, 2025
Post By : Admin
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If you received a letter from a man, you had never met, a man who was a prisoner, accused of being a troublemaker, how would you respond? The Colossian believers faced that exact problem. They knew that Paul had been instrumental in leading their pastor, Epaphras, to saving faith in Christ. They also knew that Epaphras had gone to Rome to consult with Paul and had not yet returned. The church members had received Paul’s letter, brought to them by Tychicus and Onesimus. But the false teachers in Colosse had been discrediting Paul and causing doubts in the people’s minds. “Why listen to a man who is a political prisoner?” They asked. “Can you trust him?”
Paul no doubt realized that this would be the situation, so he paused in the first part of this letter to give some words of explanation. He had been so wrapped up in exalting Jesus Christ that he had not shown any interest writing about himself! In this section, Paul explained his ministries.
Sharing the Gospel – Col.1: 21 – 23 even though Paul had not personally evangelized Colosse, it was his ministry in Ephesus that led to the founding of the Colossian church. Col.1: 25 A large part of his ministry consisted in preaching the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. His was a ministry of reconciliation 2Cor.5: 17- 21. Paul reviewed for his readers their own spiritual experience.
Their past alienation Vs.21. These Gentiles in Colosse were estranged from God and separated from the spiritual blessings of Israel Ephe.2: 1. The gods that they worshipped were false gods, and their religious rituals could not take care of their sin or guilt. But this estrangement was not only a matter of Gentile position; it was a matter of sinful practices and attitudes. The Gentiles were enemies, which means they were actively hostile to God. Even though they had not received a divine law, such as God gave to Israel, these Gentiles knew the truth about God through creation and conscience Rom.1: 18. The enmity of their minds led to wicked works. Both in attitude and action, they were at war with God Rom.8: 7. This explains why the unbeliever must repent; change his mind; before he can be saved.
Their present reconciliation Vs. 21- 22 They did not reconcile themselves to God; it was God who took the initiative in His love and grace. The Father sent the Son to die on a cross that sinners might be reconciled to God. Jesus died for us when we were without strength and could do nothing for ourselves Rom.5: 6. He died for us when we were yet sinners and were enemies of God Rom.5: 8, 10. The purpose of this reconciliation is personal holiness. God does not make peace so that we can continue to be rebels Col.1: 20. He has reconciled us to Himself so that we may share His life and His holiness. We are presented to God “holy and unblameable (without blemish) and unreproveable (free from accusation)” Col.1: 21- 22. The most important thing in our Christian lives is not how we look in our own sight or in the sight of others, but how we look in God’s sight 1Cor.4: 1- 4. Col.1: 23 “The hope of the Gospel” means that blessed hope of our Lord’s return Tit.2: 13. Paul had already mentioned this hope Col.1: 5. Later in the chapter, he called it the hope of Glory Col.1: 27. There was a time when these Gentile Colossians were without hope Ephe.2: 12. The Reason? They were without God. But when they were reconciled to God, they were given a wonderful hope of glory. All of God’s children will one day be with Christ in heaven Jh.17: 24.
Paul’s rejoicing – Vs.24 instead of being ashamed of my suffering, I am rejoicing in it. How could anyone rejoice in suffering? To begin with, Paul was suffering because of Jesus Christ. It was the fellowship of his sufferings Phil.3: 10. Like the early Apostles, Paul rejoiced that he was counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus Christ name. A Christian should never suffer as a thief or as an evildoer. But it is an honor to suffer as a Christian 1Pet.4: 15- 16. There is a special blessing and reward reserved for the faithful believer who suffers for the sake of Christ Matt.5: 10- 12. Secondly, he was suffering because of the Gentiles. Paul was the chosen Apostle to the Gentiles Ephe.3: 1- 13. In fact, he was a prisoner in Rome because of his love for the Gentiles. He was arrested in Jerusalem on false charges, and the Jews listened to his defense until he used the word Gentiles Acts.22: 2. It was that word that infuriated them and drove them to ask for his execution. So, the Gentile believers in Colosse had every reason to love Paul and be thankful for his special ministry to them. Thirdly; Paul was rejoicing because he was suffering for the body of Christ; the church. There was a time when Paul had persecuted the church and caused it to suffer. But now Paul devoted his life to the care of the church. Paul did not ask, as do some believers, “What will I get out of it.” Instead, he asked, “How much will God let me put into it.” The fact that Paul was a prisoner did not stop him from ministering to the church.
Paul’s responsibility – Vs.25- 27 Had Paul compromised with the Jews and stopped ministering to the Gentiles, he could have been spared a great deal of suffering. But he could not abandon his calling just for personal safety and comfort. He had been made a minister by God; he had been given a stewardship, and he had to be faithful to his calling 1Cor.4: 2. It was not a matter of choice; he was called to fulfill the Word of God. These Colossian believers were once outside the covenants of God, but now they were members of His family. Once they were living in spiritual ignorance and death, but now they were alive and sharing in the riches of God’s wisdom in Christ. Once they had no hope, but now they had a glorious hope because Christ now lived within. It will be good for us to recapture some of that first love excitement.
Col.1: 28 – The false teachers exalted themselves and their great spiritual attainments; they preached philosophy and empty traditions of men; but Paul preached a Person and a Kingdom. While it is good to proclaim positive truth, it is also necessary to warn God’s people against the lies of the enemy Acts.20: 31. Paul not only preached Christ, but he also taught Christ, for in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Paul wanted to present every believer perfect (complete) in Christ.
In Conclusion – What are the evidences of this spiritual maturity?
Encouragement – “That their hearts might be comforted.)
Endearment – “Being knit together in love”
Enrichment – “Unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding.”
Enlightenment – “Full assurance of understanding”.