12 July, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 943 – July 12th 2022 Luke 14:16-20 |
What is an excuse?
Is a reason we give to release us from obligation, duty, promise, or to serve as justification for why something was done or was not done, in order to avoid having to do something. Or better still trying to shift blame from ourselves to someone else. (Gen 3:9-13) We should note that when it comes to excuses the devil has an unlimited supply of them and will supply them if it makes us stay away from serving God and doing His will. I can’t come to church for fear of catching covid-19 but attend every party we are invited to. The sermons are too bold or not hard enough. The choir is out of rhythm, etc…
Granted that some excuses can be justified, they don’t help nor change the circumstance. Do we respond to God’s calling with excuses for our inabilities? (Judges 6:14) I am the poorest of the poor (Ex 4:10) I have slow speech (Jer. 1:5-6) I am too young. Praise Chapel we are never able to do what God has called us to do in our own ability otherwise we wouldn’t need God. Therefore no one has an excuse not to serve God no matter their circumstances or station in life.
Are we making excuses or making decisions?
From our text one can be certain that the guests had the invitation well in advance, it was not impromptu. And besides, the invitation was for supper, not breakfast. (Luke 14:16-17) (Luke 14:18) Who goes to look at a piece of land in the dark when daylight is only hours away? Are we using our properties as an excuse to serve God? I would love to come to Bible study but I have to pick up my new car (Luke 14:19) Can the ox plow in the dark? Was there a set time to prove them otherwise the oxen will be of no use? I would love to come to church but my job requires that I work Sunday, meanwhile, there are alternate Sunday and evening schedules available. (Luke 14:20) Was there an incline that he could not bring his wife to the supper? I would love to be on the prayer team but I just got married.
At a close look at these three excuses, there is no doubt that these are the lamest excuses but I noticed that they are similar things that get ahead of God in our lives, properties, jobs, and family.
Properties: Is it not God Himself that said He will give us the uttermost parts of the earth for our possession? (Ps 2:8) Why is it that our possessions have now become a hindrance?
Jobs/Businesses: Is it not God Himself who said that He will bless the works of our hands? (Deut. 28:12) Why do we consider our jobs and businesses priority over God’s service?
Spouse/Family: Is it not God Himself that promises us a favor when we get a wife? (Prob 18:22) I believe God makes a very big deal of family, we should note that (Matt 19:5) a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, not leave God’s service. I believe (Col 3:2) should be front and center.
In Conclusion: We can only stop making excuses and start making decisions about God’s service and callings if we practice (Matt 6:33)