06 July, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 890 – July 6th, 2021 Gen.4: 1- 15 |
As we consider Cain’s life and some of the roles he played, we need to understand how important it is for us to know God and do His will.
The worker – Gen.4: 2 work is not a curse, it’s a blessing Ex.20: 9. Before Jesus began His earthly ministry, He worked as a carpenter Mk.6: 3. Apostle Paul worked as a tentmaker Acts.18: 1- 3. Perhaps the boys asked their father why their work was so difficult, and Adam had to explain that God had cursed the ground because of his own disobedience Gen.3: 17- 19. But this question gave Adam the opportunity to remind his sons of God’s promise of a Redeemer and a day when creation would be set free from the bondage of sin.
The worshipper – Adam and Eve had learned to worship God during those wonderful days in the garden before sin had brought its curse to their lives and to the ground. Certainly, they taught their children about the Lord and the importance of worshipping Him. When God clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals Gen.3: 21, perhaps He taught them about sacrifices and the shedding of blood; and they would have passed this truth along to their children. God accepted Abel and his sacrifice but rejected Cain and his sacrifice. Cain wasn’t rejected because of his offering, but his offering was rejected because of Cain; his heart wasn’t right with God. Heb.11: 4, which means Abel had faith in God and was right with God. In later years, the Law of Moses prescribed offerings of grain and fruit Lev.2; Deut.26: 1- 11; so, we have reason to believe that such sacrifices were acceptable from the beginning. But even had Cain brought animal sacrifices and shed their blood, they wouldn’t have been accepted by God because of the state of Cain’s heart. Abel brought the best that he had and truly sought to please God; but Cain didn’t have that attitude of faith 1Sam.15: 22; Is.1: 11- 17; Hos.6: 6; Mk.12: 28- 34. The way of Cain is the way of self-will and unbelief.
When God rejected his offering, Cain became very angry. God spoke to him personally and tried to lead him back to the way of faith, but Cain resisted. It’s just like the Lord to give us another opportunity to obey Him, and it’s just like stubborn sinners to refuse His gracious help.
The Lord warned Cain that temptation was like a fierce beast crouching at the door of his life, and he had better not open the door. It’s dangerous to carry grudges and harbor bitter feelings in our hearts, because all of these can be used by Satan to lead us into temptation and sin Ephe.4: 27.
The murderer – Gen.4: 8- 10 We can’t separate our relationship with God from our relationship with our brothers and sisters. A bitter spirit such as found in Cain, hinders worship and destroys our fellowship with God and God’s people Matt.5: 21- 26; 6: 14- 16. It’s better that we interrupt our worship and get right with a brother than to pollute our sacrifice because we have a bad spirit within.
Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to violence and even murder. Jesus taught that anger in the heart is the moral equivalent of murder with the hands Matt.5: 21- 26. Had Cain heeded God’s warning and accepted His gracious invitation Gen.4: 7, he would never have become a murderer.
How soon after his worship was rejected did Cain entice his brother away from home and kill him? Was it on the same day, or did he brood over the matter a few days? He probably murdered his brother in his heart many times before he actually committed the deed. He was envious of his brother because of his relationship with God 1Jh.3: 12, and yet Cain was unwilling to get right with God. When we hate others, it’s a sign we’re not walking in the light 1Jh.2: 9- 11 and that we don’t have God’s love in our hearts 1Jh.3: 10- 16.
The punishment – Gen.4: 11- 15 a vagabond has no home; a fugitive is running from home; a stranger is away from home; but a pilgrim is heading home. Cain made the wrong choice, and instead of being a pilgrim in life, he became a stranger and a fugitive, wandering the land under God’s curse.
Cain never repented of his sins; his words reveal only remorse and regret. He was concerned only with his punishment and not with his character. By hating and murdering his brother and refusing to repent, Cain created for himself an intolerable life. No matter where he lived or what he did, Cain would always be a restless man for whom there was no remedy.
God’s mercy – God did a strange thing; He put a mark on Cain that would protect him from the assaults of people who wanted to kill him. Why would God allow a murderer like Cain to go free? In His mercy, God doesn’t give us what we do deserve; and in His grace, He gives us what we don’t deserve. That’s the nature of God.
In Conclusion – The record of Cain’s life is left in the Holy Scripture as a warning to anybody who pretends to worship, plays with sin, and doesn’t take temptation seriously.
The way of Cain is not the narrow way that leads to eternal life