04 January, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 864 – January 5th, 2021
If you were to die today, would you know for certain that you would be with God eternally? The Bible tells us we can know for sure 1John 5:13 Some people hope they will receive eternal life. John says we can know we have it. Our certainty is based on God’s promise that he has given us eternal life through his Son. We will be sharing in this Digging Deep what the Bible says about receiving eternal life. Before we do, let me ask us another question. Suppose you come before Jesus and He asks, Why should I let you into Heaven? How would you answer Him? Some might answer…I kept the Ten Commandments, I attended church regularly, I was a good moral person, I was a good neighbor. I was a good Christian. These and similar answers imply an understanding that salvation is earned, but is it? The Bible says that eternal life is a gift. Romans 6:23 As a gift, it is not something we earn or deserve. Why is eternal life a gift? The answer lies in understanding man's problem with sin.
THE NEED OF GRACE – The Bible teaches that all have sinned. Sin is violating the law of God 1John 3:4 Sin is failing to do what is right James 4:17 Everyone has sinned in some way Romans 3:23. The Bible describes the consequences of sin. The wages of sin is death Romans 6:23 What kind of death? Everlasting separation from God Revelation 21:8; Galatians 5:19-21 Have you done any of these or just a few of them? Even if just one sin, we are still guilty James 2:10-11 While everyone is guilty of sin and deserving of death, there is hope.
THE SOLUTION OF GRACE – 1. God offers the gift of life. In mercy God offers the gift of eternal life Romans 6:23 He does this through the death of His Son Romans 5:8 Out of love, God sent Jesus to be a sacrifice for our sins 1John 4:9-10 On the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins. Through His death, Jesus made eternal life possible. This is a wonderful gift yet sadly few receive the gift of life because many will not look for it Matthew 7:13-14 Many are not willing to do the Father’s will though they may do many things in the name of Jesus Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus is more concerned about our walk than our talk. He wants us to do right, not just say the right words. We must know that doing good things does not merit eternal life, only those who do the Father’s will have eternal life 1John 2:15-17 Many people sound religious but have no personal relationship with him.
What is the Father’s will that we might receive the gift of eternal life? Or how do we receive God’s grace for eternal life?
THE RECEPTION OF GRACE – 1. Believe in Jesus. We must believe in Him whom God has sent John 6:28-29,40 Believing in Christ involves more than mental consent John 12:42-43 A faith which does not express itself in action is a dead faith James 2:26 So, we express our faith in Christ by believing in Him that He will do what He has promised to do for us. 2. Repent of sins. Jesus requires repentance Luke 13:3; 24:46-48 True repentance is a change of heart which will result in a change of life. A change brought about by sorrow for our sins 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 In repenting, we decide to turn from sin and turn to God. 3. Confess faith in Jesus. Together with faith, confessing Jesus leads to salvation Romans 10:9-10 Confessing Jesus means to acknowledge Him as the Son of God Acts 8:37 Confess Jesus before others, and He will confess us before God Matthew 10:32-33 Confess Him as the Lord and Savior of your life 4. Receive Christ in baptism. Let us note first some spiritual truths: All spiritual blessings are in Christ Ephesians 1:3 Salvation is in Christ 2Timothy 2:10 There is no condemnation in Christ Romans 8:1 Eternal life is in Christ 1John 5:11 All these blessings are in Christ. So, it is one thing to believe in Jesus, quite another to get into Jesus. How does one get into Jesus? The same way you get into a coat (you put it on). We get into Jesus by putting Him on in baptism Galatians 3:26-27 Here, Apostle Paul is saying that by baptism you have laid aside the old clothes of the law, and now you are putting on Christ’s new robe of righteousness. As many as are baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Those not yet baptized into Christ, have not yet put-on Christ. If we have not PUT-ON Christ, we are not yet IN Christ. What is baptism? An immersion (burial) of the believer in water Acts 8:35-38 Administered to the penitent for the remission of sins Acts 2:38 In which we are:1)Baptized into the death of Jesus Romans 6:3 2) Buried with Him into His death Romans 6:4a 3) Raised with Him that we might walk in newness of life Romans 6:4b Baptism, therefore, is a working of God in cooperation with our faith in which our sins are cut away (circumcised) and we are made alive rising up from death with our sins forgiven. Colossians 2:11-13 It is not a work of righteousness done to earn salvation, but an act of faith submitted to in order to receive God’s grace and mercy. Titus 3:5-7
REMAIN FAITHFUL TO JESUS. Jesus expects us to learn and follow Him after baptism Matthew 28:19-20 He promises the crown of life to those who remain faithful Revelation 2:10
CONCLUSION: Though deserving of death because of sin, we can receive God’s gift of eternal life by expressing our faith in Christ through repentance, confession, and baptism thereby putting on Christ, we should remain faithful, then, you are prepared for your journey into eternity.