09 August, 2021

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DIGGING DEEP NO. 895 – August 10rd, 2021
Is The Lord our Shepherd?!

Psalm 23:1-6

A shepherd represents a more close and intimate relationship. A shepherd has a very deep interest and care, not only for all his flock as a whole but also for each and every single one.  (Luke 15:4)  The good news is that the Lord is not just a Shepherd, He is Jehovah Rohi The Great Shepherd. He protects, provides, leads, guides and watches over His flock. Do we see God as our Shepherd, and ourselves as sheep? If the Lord is our Shepherd, that makes us the sheep. Sheep entirely is reliant on its shepherd, are we completely reliant on God?

If the Lord is our Shepherd: 

1. We shall not want, (Ps 23:1) please observe that (Ps 23:1) does not say the Lord is our Shepherd we shall not need. Because Jesus makes it very clear that God is going to provide all our physical needs and we shouldn’t even worry about that. (Matt 6:26) Not only can God take care of our physical needs, He can also fulfill us and satisfy our heart. He will continually guide us and satisfy our desire.(Isa 58:11) He satisfies our soul with good things (Ps 107:9)

2. (i) He will make us lie down in green pastures (Ps 23:2a) we will rest under His watchful eyes. (Ps 4:8) He will ensure our going and coming (Ps 121:8) He will not leave us until He has done what He has promised us. (Gen 28:15)

(ii) He will lead us beside the still water (Ps 23:2b) refreshing and satisfying 

3. (i) He will restore our soul (Ps 23:3a) He forgives our sins and heal our diseases (Ps 103:3-5) He will show us salvation (Ps 91:16

(ii) He will lead us in the path of righteousness just for His name’s sake (Ps 23:3b) The path to Heaven is where He is leading to, because the Lord is righteous in all His ways (Ps 145:17) (Titus 2:12) If we are His sheep, following Him in the path of righteousness should be our goal. (1Jn 2:29) It is obvious that as His sheep we sometimes wander away, but when He calls out to us what do we do?  (Prob 21:3) (1Cor 15:34a). Do we return back to the Shepherd when He calls us back to Himself? (1Peter 2:25)

4. His rod and staff will comfort us when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. (Ps 23:4) He brings us away from evil, out of peril, through the valley of the shadow of death, and into salvation and blessing. God takes care of us tenderly as a powerful and patient Shepherd.(Eze 34:11-15)

5. He will prepare a table in the presence of our enemies and will anoint our head until our cup runs over (Ps 23:5) He will help and hold us up with His right hand (Isa 41:10) and will make His face shine upon us. (Num 6:24-26) and we will receive grace upon grace (Jn 1:16)


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever Amen

One thought on “Is The Lord our Shepherd?!

  1. Williams Olusola Awosola ( 4 years ago )

    We will rest under His watchful eye.

    He will ensure our going and coming.

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