13 June, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 939 – June 14th 2022 Psalm 16:11 |
Dwelling In God’s Presence: He shows me the path of life, fullness of joy, and pleasures for evermore
What happens in the presence of God????
Do we appreciate His presence? As His children are in His presence regularly, do we understand how powerful that is!!!
The centurion knew the power of being in the presence of God. Rom 8:5-13, Caleb and Joshua also knew the power in the presence of God hence after scouting out Canaan declared the Israelites could prevail. Numbers 13:26-33. And they were the only 2 original adults that entered the promised land.
Faith: The substance of things hoped for: the evidence of things not seen. How strong is your faith? It cometh by hearing the Word of God. Reading/hearing His word regularly grows your faith. It helps to take advantage of His presence knowing how powerful that is. We could be in His presence and get absolutely nothing without faith. The woman with the issue of blood had the God kind of faith. Mark 5:25-34, So did the Canaanite woman Mathew 15:22-25
Praise: Paul and Silas praised Him in the prison and witnessed the power of His presence. Acts 16:25. Praise that saved not just them but all the prisoners. Whose life is your praise dependent on? Praise that God cannot resist, He does things that surprise us. Praise opens prison gates. What prison are we in that we should praise ourselves out of? In His presence, what do you do?
Prayers: How is your prayer life!!! Do you pray to believe in results, Such prayers that touch God? Hannah prayed such prayer. 1st Sam 1:10-11, blind Bartimaeus did also Mark 10:46-52, Sometimes in His presence distractions cause you to miss out on blessings. You could be blind spiritually and not know it. Insist on getting your healing in His presence.
Knowledge: Are we aware of how powerful God’s word is? He says I will never leave you nor forsake you. So many blessings and promises in The Word that if we know and claim will make a difference in what happens to us. In His presence do we realize and take the extra steps to listen to Him. Listening to Him brings uncommon miracles in our lives. Like Solomon did and offered 1000 cattle. Now that is crazy. How crazy would you go in His presence to please Him? Some of us instead of seeking to please become too busy being distracted by unimportant things. Are you sensitive to the blessings in His presence?
Advantages of being in His presence: Joy, peace, love, boldness, assurance, health, wealth, and so on. When you’re conscious of being in His presence, you operate differently. In His presence is fullness of joy.
I pray that we will become more conscious of what it means to be in the presence of God and that The Almighty God will do something special in our lives today and always.