28 November, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 963 – November 29th, 2022 Eph 6:1-4 |
The household role of parents and children can be seamless if we imitate God in everything we do because we are His dear children, and as a heritage from the Lord to live a life filled with love, modeling after Jesus Christ. Who loved us and gave Himself up as a sacrifice for us (Eph 5:1-2). Therefore, living in the Spirit, loving God, and kindness to one another is the foundation for a flawless household role of parents and children.
A (i) Training our children up the right way is spiritual: We should note that the authority God gave us as parents over our children, is not to be used as a weapon to torture, oppress, ignite anger, stoke our ego, or vent anger. There is a boundary to our parental authority, it should not be used to infuriate or initiate anger in the children we are responsible for. Because anger has no place in a Christian’s life. (Eph 6:4) (Col 3:21) The way we relate to our spouse can also build resentment in our children. God also gave parents the responsibility to bring their children up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. (Deut. 6:4-9) We are to correct and nurture our children to become what God had created them to be. (Prob 22:6) As a matter of fact, it is in our own interest to discipline our children (Prob 29:17) (Ps 127:4-5) Gadgets and material things are good but, should not be the basis for which we are to train our children and MOST definitely we should not put ourselves in positions that will let our children train themselves.(Prob 29:15) (Prob 22:15) (Prob 23:13-14) (Prob 13:24)The rod must be accompanied with (Deut.11:19). He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, (1Tim 3:4)
Children are to obey their parents for the following reasons;
B (i). Obeying our parents is spiritually and naturally right: Obeying our parents is a vital part of the discipleship of every child because all of us children belong to God and are accountable unto God as a disciple of Jesus Christ. (Eph 6:1) (Col 3:20) (Lev 19:3) (Jn 14:15) As disciples of Jesus Christ, we MUST keep the Lord’s commandment (Prob 6:20) It is the natural thing to do (Prob 1:8). Discipline seems rather painful than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
B (ii). Obeying our parents is the 5th Commandment: Obeying our parents is the only commandment that is attached to a promise (Eph 6:2) (Deut. 5:16)
B (iii). Obeying our parents has a promise of blessing: It will be well with us, we will live a long life, peace, and will possess our possession (Eph 6:3) (Ex 20:12) (Prob 4:10) (Deut. 5:33) (Prob 3:1-2)
B (iv) Not obeying our parents also has consequences: Especially us adult children I pray that we will choose to honor God and obey our parents because the consequences are dire.
(Prob 19:26)(Prob 20:20)(Deut.27:16) (Prob 30:17) (Levi 20:9) (Ex 21:15) (1Tim 5:8) (Matt 15:4)
In Conclusion: The household role of parents and children as God instructed, brings Peace and Honor to the parents, (Prob 29:17) (Ps 127:4-5) and Long Life and Prosperity to the Children (Deut. 5:33).