23 September, 2024

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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1053 September 24, 2024


2Pet.3: 1- 10.



A famous philosopher said “Everybody is ignorant; only on different subjects.” That is true, and yet that is not the whole story because there is more than one kind of ignorance. Some people are ignorant, because of lack of opportunity to learn, or perhaps lack of ability to learn. Others are to use Peter’s phrase in 2Pet.3: 5 “Willingly ignorant.” It is very important for us as Christians to understand God’s truth. We are surrounded by scoffers today; people who refuse to take the Bible seriously when it speaks about Christ’s return and the certainty of judgment. What the Bible teaches about the day of the Lord was not invented by the Apostles. As far back as the days of Enoch, God warned that judgment was coming Jude.1: 14- 15. Many of the Prophets announced the day of the Lord and warned that the world would be judged Is.2: 10- 22; 13: 6- 16. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught about this day of judgment Matt.24 – 25. Apostle Paul discussed it in 1Thes.5 and 2Thes.1 – 2.  Apostle John described this terrible day in Rev.6 – 19. It will be a time when God’s wrath will be poured out on the nations, and it will culminate with the return of Jesus Christ in glory and victory.

I think we should carefully distinguish the various “days” mentioned in the Bible.

“The day of the Lord” is that day of judgment that climaxes with the return of Christ to the earth.

“The day of God” 2Pet.3: 12 is the period when God’s people enjoy the new heavens and the new earth, when all evil has been judged 1Cor.15: 28.

“The day of Christ” relates to the coming of Christ for His church 1Cor.1: 7- 9; Phil.1: 10; 2: 16.

Not only does the Word of God predicts the coming day of the Lord, but it also predicts the appearance of the very scoffers who deny that Word! Their presence is proof that the Word they deny is the true Word of God! We should not be surprised at the presence of these mockers Acts.20: 28- 31. A scoffer is someone who treats lightly that which ought to be taken seriously. The people in Noah’s day scoffed at the idea of a judgment, and the citizens of Sodom scoffed at the possibility of fire and brimstone destroying their sinful city.

The question is why do these people scoff? Because they want to continue living in their sins. If your lifestyle contradicts the Word of God, you must either change your lifestyle or change the Word of God. The scoffers choose the latter approach, so they scoff at the doctrines of judgment and the coming of the Lord. No matter what the scoffers may claim, God’s Day of judgment will come on the world, and Jesus Christ shall return to establish His glorious Kingdom.

How did Peter refute the foolish argument of the scoffers? Peter simply presented the evidence that the scoffers deliberately ignored. Peter cited two events in history to prove his point: the work of God at creation 2Pet.3: 5, and the flood in Noah’s day 2Pet.3: 6. Peter’s argument is obvious: the same God who created the world by His Word can also intervene in His world and do whatever He wishes to do! It is His Word that made it and that hold it together, and His Word is all-powerful. God has the power to intervene at any time and accomplish His will Ps.115: 3. Everything in God’s original creation was good. It is man’s sin that has turned a good creation into a groaning creation Rom.8: 18- 22. The day of the Lord that was promised by the prophets and apostles, as well as by Jesus Christ, will come just as surely as the flood came in Noah’s day and the fire and brimstone came to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.

But the scoffers had their argument ready: “Then why the delay?” The promise of Christ’s coming and the judgment of the world has been around for centuries, and it is yet to be fulfilled. Has God changed His mind?

God’s will is merciful 2Pet.3: 8- 10. The scoffers were not only ignorant of what God has done in the past but they were also ignorant of what God is like. They were making God in their own image and ignoring the fact that God is eternal, without beginning or ending, and He dwells in eternity. Eternity is not just extended time; it is existence above and apart from time. Since a thousand years are as one day to the Lord, we cannot accuse Him of delayed fulfillment of His promises. In God’s sight, the whole universe is only a few days old! He is not limited by time the way we are, nor does He measure it according to man’s standards. When you study the works of God, especially in the Old Testament, you can see that He is never in a hurry, but He is never late.

He could have created the entire universe in an instant, yet He preferred to do it over a period of six days. He could have delivered Israel from Egypt in a moment, yet He preferred to invest eighty years in training Moses. He could have sent the savior much sooner, but He waited until “the fullness of the time” Gal.4: 4. While God works in time, He is not limited by time.

The scoffers did not understand God’s mercy. God delaying the return of Christ and the great day of fiery judgment is to give lost sinners the opportunity to be saved 2Pet.3: 15; 2Pet.3: 9; 1Tim.2: 4.

When would the day of the Lord come? Nobody knows when because it will come to the world “as a thief in the night.” Matt.24: 43. Man’s great works will also be burned up! All of the things that man boasts about; great cities, great buildings, inventions and achievements will be destroyed in a moment of time.

In Conclusion – It will be wise for us to pause now and consider: where will I be when God destroys the world? Am I doing the will of God that leads to eternal life? Is my name written in the Book of Life? Can Jesus call me His own? Make your decision now before it is too late.                         


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