08 March, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 873 – MaARCH 9, 2021 Esther 2:13-23 |
We all dream and make plans for the future; we want the best for ourselves and our family. We’re then supposed to work hard to see that dream happen and we sometimes forget that God is in charge. We forget to align our plans with His. We have to believe that He knows what is best for us and He alone can fulfill His purpose for our life. Do we know and believe that? How often do we talk with God about our plans? When we talk to Him and believe that He is really in charge, then we’ll truly understand how God’s time is the best.
God moves in a mysterious way as He performs His wonders. His ways are different from man’s ways. Isaiah 55:8-9 states. For my thoughts are……. We want answers now and find it difficult to wait and we complain and murmur. To God divine delay is not denial. To harvest, we must first sow seed and give it time to be ready but somehow when we pray we expect immediate answer. The word says pray without ceasing. If you’d been praying then there will be continuous answer because the seed is been continuously sown. With all the promises we have in the Bible, praying, believing and standing on the Word will open our understanding of God’s time is the best. For example Psalm 84:11 tells us that no good thing will He withhold from us.
In our reading today Mordecai discovered a plot against the king. He disclosed it and the king was saved. It seemed like there was no acknowledgement, he was neither thanked, rewarded or commended. Reward came years later but in a very wonderful and glorious way. Haman hated Mordecai and wanted him dead. Esther 5:14 says he made gallows in which to hang him. God works in mysterious ways.
The night before Haman was to get permission from the king; the king couldn’t sleep and decided to read. He read about the good deed of Mordecai that was recorded 5 years earlier and wondered if he was ever rewarded. Esther 6:3 said nothing was done for him. In the morning Haman came to request that the same Mordecai be hung. When God is for you, anyone against you is just fooling themselves. The king not knowing why he came asked him to suggest what could be done for someone the king wants to honor. It ended that Mordecai was saved and Haman hung. God moves in a mysterious way. What a glorious remembrance, it came at God’s time and it worked out perfectly.
Are you discouraged because you feel you haven’t reaped what you sowed? Are you complaining or murmuring because you have to wait? It seems like everyone else is been blessed, stop grumbling and withhold not your hand from sowing. When the answer tarries, wait for it for it shall surely come to pass. God is faithful, His word is yea and amen. He sees the end from the beginning and knows what suits us best. He knows the right time to bring about the expected miracle
Joseph and his brothers. Genesis 37, they were to bow to him, Genesis 40, the baker was supposed to remember him to the king and he didn’t for 2 years. Not until Chapter 41 was he remembered and the rest is history.
David anointed king but didn’t become one until later. After anointed He went back to been the shepherd boy. It actually took 7 years before he was king.
Jesus— God asking Joseph to take his wife and Son and go somewhere else. The angels could fight all those people but God’s time for things are different from ours.
In our individual lives, we’ve had situations of delay and later things worked out for the best. We also have situations in our lives that we really don’t understand why whatever is happening is happening the way it is, we just need to know that we should trust God that the ending will be glorious.
In every situation, knowing who you are as a child of God makes all the difference. Spending time with Him, knowing who He is, and understanding that no matter what it looks like, He’s got your back. Basically saying that in all things give thanks to God!!!!