12 February, 2021
Post By : Admin
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MEMORY VERSE: “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.”Matthew 10: 41
LESSON TEXT – 2 Samuel 23: 13-17
In our Bible passage is another amazing account of an important event in the scriptures. Here, three men, described as mighty, did something for King David that was amazing. It remains a reference point today of service to a man of God. Before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father sent prophets as His spokespersons. After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God is still using prophets as His spokespersons today as we wait for the return of Jesus Christ. How are we receiving true prophets of God? Do we recognize the call on their lives and the great assignment entrusted in their hands? There is a reward attached to how we receive God’s servants. It is our prayer that the Lord Himself will teach us today in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
After David was anointed king by the prophet Samuel, there was a period of time before he was crowned king when he had to run away to escape the anger of King Saul. David was a man of which God testified, 1 Sam. 19: 1, 9-10, 18; 1 Sam. 20: 1; Acts 13: 21-22; Psa. 89: 20.
David’s army
Who were these men? How can we describe these men who joined David? The men mentioned in our main text are all referred to in the book of Samuel and 1 Chronicles. 1 Samuel 22: 1-2; 1 Samuel 23: 13; 1 Samuel 25: 13. These ordinary not-so-good people put themselves under the leadership of David.
Why did these men join David? What did they stand to gain physically? They recognized the anointing and call on David’s life. Do you recognize the anointed prophets that minster to you daily? Ps. 23: 5; Ps. 105: 15; Ps. 89:20; 2 Kings 5: 14-15; 1 Chron. 16: 20-22; Psalm 20: 6.
Once these ordinary not-so-good men recognized the anointing on David’s life, they keyed in and settled down to the bigger vision. They committed to strengthen, support and help David become king as God had said, 1 Chronicles 11: 10. Even Jonathan keyed into God’s plan – 1 Samuel 23: 16-17.
When David as much as voiced out a personal need, three of his chiefs risked their lives to get him something he longed for. These men were so loyal and committed that they were prepared to risk their lives in the Valley of Giants to fulfil a desire of their master. When David tore his clothes, they also tore their clothes. Aligning with God’s vision through David made them selfless. Loyalty was non-negotiable. These men ultimately became kingmakers! 2 Samuel 23: 13-16; 2 Samuel 1: 6-11; 2 Samuel 15: 19-2; 1 Samuel 25: 13; 1 Chronicles 11: 10.
Are you fully aligned with the prophet that God has placed over you? Do you defer to the anointing of God in his or her life? Some believers today dare to treat the prophets of God like trash – 2 Samuel 1: 14. David’s mighty men left us a legacy of commitment and loyalty. Their actions still speaks!
1. Have you identified the prophets of God all around you?
2. What can you do today to mirror the actions of David’s mighty men?
3. List the dangers of ‘touching’ God’s anointed.
MON: Matt. 5: 37;
TUE: 2 Tim. 2: 21;
WED: Rom. 12: 1;
THUR: Rom. 2: 29:
FRI: Psa. 22: 8;
SAT: Acts 15: 40;
SUN: Luke 9: 23