01 January, 2024
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1017 – JAN. 2, 2024 GOD AND JACOB Gen.27: 30 – 46.
Jacob had a close call and almost met Esau returning from the hunt. It didn’t take long for Isaac and Esau to discover the conspiracy, but each man responded differently.
Isaac trembled greatly – one Hebrew scholar translated this verse “He trembled a trembling, a great, unto excess”.
Why was Isaac agitated? Because he knew that the Lord had overruled his selfish plan so that his favorite son did not receive the blessing. Isaac had lied to Abimelech and he thought he could deceive God by going against the wish of God Gen.25: 23; Gal.6: 7- 8.
Esau wept and begged for a blessing – Gen.27: 34- 40. The man who despised his birthright and married two pagan women now wept and cried out for his father to bless him (It wasn’t his fault, of course; it was his crafty brother’s fault. When in doubt, blame somebody else”. Heb.12: 16- 17 Esau’s tears were not tears of repentance of being an ungodly man; they were tears of regret because he had lost the covenant blessing. Esau wanted the blessing but he didn’t want to be the kind of man whom God could bless. We may forget our decisions, but our decisions don’t forget us.
Gen.27: 39- 40 Instead of ruling, Esau would live by his sword.
Isaac, Rebekah, and Jacob – finally, the believing family members got together and made some wise decisions.
- To protect Jacob’s life – Gen.27: 40- 45Esau carried a hateful grudge against his brother and planned to kill him. After all, if Esau couldn’t enjoy the blessing, neither would Jacob. The man who was destined to live by his sword would start by using it first at home.
Always with an ear to the ground; close to the family grapevine, Rebekah heard the threat and moved into action. She planned to send Jacob to Haran to live with his brother Laban and then send for him when it was safe for him to return home. The few days turned out to be twenty years, and she never saw Jacob again on earth.
- To secure a suitable wife for Jacob – Gen.28: 1- 9 since Esau’s two heathen wives were an aggravation in the home; Rebekah used this as an excuse to discuss Jacob’s future. Now that Jacob had the covenant blessing, it was important that he marry the right woman and not one of the pagans in Canaan.
Isaac had been caught in his net and knew that God’s plans were better than his.
Not only did Isaac speak kindly to his son, but also he gave him an extra blessing as he left to go to Haran. This time it was the blessing of Abraham Gal.3: 14.
Esau’s response to this news was further evidence that he despised everything spiritual, for he went out and took another wife.
Gen.28: 10- 22 Jacob the home boy is now without a home. He was fleeing from an angry brother and facing an unknown future, and all he had to depend on was his father’s blessing. He must now learn to walk by faith.
A significant dream – Jacob discovered that he wasn’t alone but that God was with him. The God of Abraham and Isaac was watching over him and His angels were there to guard and serve him.
A significant declaration – Gen.28: 13- 15 The Lord didn’t rebuke Jacob for participating in Rebekah’s scheme; instead God spoke words of promise and assurance to him. The Lord promised to be present with Jacob in whatever circumstances lay before him. God would appear to Jacob at least five more times in the years ahead, but this first meeting was a significant one. He learned that God was interested in him and was at work in his life.
A significant decision – Gen.28: 16- 22 awakening, Jacob’s first response was one of fear and surprise. He discovered that he could find God in unlikely places and that any place is the house of God because God is there. Jacob dedicated himself to the Lord that morning and affirmed his faith in the Lord and sought to worship and honor Him alone.
In Conclusion – During the years Jacob worked for Laban, he endured many trials. The thing that kept him going when the going was tough was his faith in the promises of God. God promised to be with him and that is what Jacob depended on.