14 March, 2022
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 926 – MARCH 15, 2022 2 Timothy 4:5 |
Encouraging Timothy to do the work of an evangelist, Paul charged Timothy to fulfill his ministry 2Timothy 4:5 That is, fulfill in all its requirements, leaving nothing undone. A similar charge was given to Archippus in Colossians 4:17 suggesting that they keep on filling it. It is a lifetime job. The charge given to Timothy and Archippus is one that should be heeded by all Christians: “Fulfill Your Ministry”. But do we all have a ministry?
WE NEED TO FIND OUR MINISTRY: God has given all of us gifts. He has given to each one a measure of faith Romans 12:3-4 We each have gifts according to the grace that is given us Romans 12:6a Not all have the same gifts Not every member of a church has the same function Romans 12:4 We have differing gifts Romans 12:6-8 Some may prophesy, ministering, teaching, exhorting, giving, leading, showing mercy, for God’s grace is manifold 1Peter 4:10 Every gift or ministry is important for the body to be complete. None can say they are unimportant 1Corinthians 12:14-20 None can say others are not needed 1Corinthians 12:21-25 All are needed for the body to grow. Growth comes from the head, Christ Ephesians 4:15-16a The growth of the church also comes by the effective working of each ministry, with everyone doing their share, otherwise, the church is handicapped in service and growth will be hindered. Ephesians 4:16b
FINDING YOUR MINISTRY – (1) Providence- We need the providence of God considering our natural abilities. Are you gifted in hand, speech, or heart? Some gifts are better suited for certain services. Our natural abilities may suggest how God wants us to serve. Some are called early in life others late. Some are called with skills already developed. The circumstances when we obeyed the gospel may suggest areas of service 1Corinthians 7:18-24
Preparation to make: Once we find our ministry, we must develop our abilities. Not all abilities are self-evident; seek to develop as many as you can. As your abilities become evident, seek to excel in them Ezra 7:10 We must utilize the opportunities as provided by the Lord, opportunities to even change our circumstances Matthew25:14-18; 1Corinthians 7:21
Prayer: We should seek wisdom to discern our abilities through prayer. Wisdom comes through prayer James 1:5 Wisdom is given to those who so diligently seek it Proverbs 2:1-9 Seek open doors to use your abilities. The Lord often opens doors to serve Him 1Corinthians 3:5 We might also pray for opportunities to serve Him 1Chronicles 4:10-16
Presentation: We should present ourselves unto God by committing our ways to Him. Present yourself and your plans for service to the Lord Proverbs 16:3 Let your attitude be like that of Isaiah. Isaiah 6:8 Make yourself available to the brethren by ministering your gift(s) to your brethren 1Peter 4:10 We should follow the example of the Hebrew Christians Hebrews 6:10
We need to fulfill our ministry to bless one another. God desires that we minister our gifts to one another 1 Peter 4:10 Jesus came to minister to us so we should also emulate his example by ministering to one another Mark 10:45 The brethren should be blessed by the ministry God has given you. We should not be negligent to utilize our gift(s). we should not allow the world’s distractions to keep us from being a blessing Luke 8:14
We must fulfill our ministry to glorify God through Jesus Christ. Through the gifts given by Christ to those in His church, God is to be glorified 1Peter 4:11 God must be glorified by the fruits of our righteousnessso we must not be negligent to develop our gifts and thereby fulfill our ministry. We must be careful not to allow the love of the world to keep us from glorifying God 1John 2:15-17
We need to fulfill our ministry because we will face the Lord at the judgment. The day is coming when the Lord will hold us accountable even as the master held his servants accountable Matthew 25:14-30 We must prepare ourselves for that day and should not bury our talents. We should not allow fear to keep us from utilizing our talents. Matthew 25:25
Let us take to heart the admonitions given to Timothy and Archippus.
“Fulfill your ministry” 2Timothy 4:5; “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” – Colossians 4:17 As we do so, remember the exhortations given to the Hebrew Christians. God will not forget your work and labor as you minister to your brethren Hebrews 6:10 We must show diligence to the end, and we should not become sluggish Hebrews 6:11-12 In so doing, you will not only “Fulfill Your Ministry”, but also imitate those who through faith and patience inherited the promises Hebrews 6:12