22 November, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 909 – November 23rd, 2021 Psalm 121:1-2 |
The psalmist asked the rhetorical question ‘From whence cometh my help’?
Where truly does our help come from? My help comes from The Lord. The Lord is a helper. God was often referred to as Israel’s helper. Ps 20:2, Ps 115:9. So just as He was Israel’s helper, He will be our helper today. We can boldly say He is our helper Heb 13:6. We are not alone. What a comfort to know that God has our back. He made heaven and earth, Gen 1:1 in the beginning God made heaven and earth. And that is the power that comes to help us.
We’re assured that He’s always on point, Vs 3 and 4 He neither slumber nor sleep. God hears our prayer whenever we pray to Him Ps 55:17. Psalm 121 says it all. The question is do we understand and truly believe it? Vs 8 tells it all, The Lord will protect you now and always wherever you go. And so, in essence, our help comes from The Lord.
Each an everyone of us faces various challenges and difficulties and temptations in life. At work you face peculiar challenges, coworkers, persecution for faith and so forth. At home, you’re always working, it never ends, dishes to wash, everywhere messy, cooking to be done, you will be tired. For those in school, you will face your peculiar difficulties as well, struggle in biology class, or dealing with peer pressure. Perhaps a loved one was lost, sick, accident, financial hardship, marital issues, drugs, alcohol, pornography. Whatever!!
You could be having a good time, business booming, family doing great, perfectly healthy. With all that you could still have your own particular temptations, you could be tempted to be proud, fall into a trap of self-reliance, or you may reduce compassion for those around you. No matter the case, the answer to every situation we encounter comes in Psalm 121:2 From whence cometh my help? We should know to always look unto God knowing that My help comes from The Lord!!!!
The Hill! The situations mentioned above are all different kind of hills, what are your hills? We all have our different hills. As we go through the hills in life, understanding where our help comes from makes all the difference. Let’s learn how to get God involved in all we do. In good and in challenging times.
Esther: What was her hill? In Esther 3, the Jews were threatened by Haman. Mordecai asked her to help and she intercedes for the Jews. We know the story. In all the affairs of and battles of life, if you get God involved, the battle shifts from you and becomes God’s own,
Daniel: In Chap 2. Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and he was promoted. We all should understand how powerful it is when The Almighty God gets involved in your affairs, He will give you the wisdom in which to handle them and He will also make you all powerful.
King Jehoshaphat: In 2nd Chronicles 20, when King Jehoshaphat was engaged in a battle with the Ammonites, Moabites and Mount Seir, he became afraid but he quickly took the matter to God and got Him involved. And see how they won, with just songs. From whence cometh my help
Joseph: His hills, he spent years in the dungeon waiting for the purposes of God to be fulfilled. And they were fulfilled far beyond his imagination. Genesis 41:14 Joseph always knew where his help came from.
David: His hills he was on the run for a long time. From King Saul, from his own sons and in it all we know him as the man after God’s heart, 1st Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22 He did everything God wanted him to do. He knew where his help came from.
Ruth: Her hills, losing her husband and going into a foreign country. Ruth 1:16. She knew where her help comes from
Jesus: Yes, He had His own hills, He looked to the cross of calvary that He had to endure for the joy that He knew was set before Him on the other side. Mathew 26:39.
Personal: Michelle, a friend: her hill was the effects of a horrific sexual abuse by her father and not knowing how to recover until she realized where her help comes from. Then one day, she realized that The Lord was walking with her through her healing journey to the other side. From whence cometh my help.
What are your hills? Are you in them now crying out for God to be there with you in the darkness and fear? Are you feeling abandoned? Don’t lose heart, hold on to hope, trust Him to finish what He started.
There will come a day when you’ll lift your eyes to those hills and say, see those hills right there, they are the place of my greatest pain, grief, darkness and hopelessness. But they are also the place of my greatest protection and deliverance
In Conclusion: In all your affairs get to know and understand that it’s all God. Get God involved in your life and to do that you must have a relationship with Him and that’s when you’d really know that you know that you know whence your help comes from.