23 January, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 969 – January 24th, 2023 2Timothy 4:6-8,18 |
The Bible is silent regarding the death of the apostle Paul. However, we have the concurrent testimony of ecclesiastical antiquity, that he was beheaded at Rome, by Nero, in the great persecutions of the Christians, by that emperor, A.D. 67 or 68. The Bible, however, does reveal Paul’s anticipation of death. He knew when it was imminent 2Timothy 4:6 He expressed strong confidence concerning his demise 2Timothy 4:7-8,18
In view of his closing words to Timothy, we can say that Paul died a happy and fulfilled man. How was Paul able to approach death with such serenity and joy? That is our Bible study tonight.
(1) AN OFFERING “I am already being poured out as a drink offering” 2Timothy 4:6 ‘poured out’ may allude to his anticipation of shedding blood (via beheading) ‘as a drink offering’ – when an animal was about to be slain in sacrifice, wine was poured on it as a solemn act of devoting it to God; Numbers 15:5; 28:7,14 His death was just another way to offer himself as a sacrifice to God. He encouraged all Christians to offer themselves as spiritual sacrifices. Thus, he sought to magnify Christ, even in the manner of death Philippians 1:20 As Christians, How we die should magnify Christ. We may not die a martyr’s death, as did Paul but we can demonstrate the death of a believer with hope.
(2) A DEPARTURE “the time of my departure is at hand” 2Timothy 4:6 Apostle Paul used departure as a metaphor here. The true idea of death is that of loosening the bands that confine us to the present world; of setting us free and permitting the soul to go forth on its eternal voyage to our maker. With such a view of death, Christians should not fear dying. Peter, also did not view death as ceasing to exist. He viewed his death as an exit (“putting off this tabernacle”)2Peter 1:15 Death is seen as an allusion to the Israelites going out of Egypt, and marching for Canaan’s land; this world being, like Egypt, a place of wickedness, misery, and bondage; and Canaan, as Heaven, a place and state of rest and happiness. Paul looked forward to departing to be with Jesus Philippians 1:23 He saw being with Christ as far better 2Corinthians 5:6-8 Christians should view death as the beginning of a journey. A journey long anticipated. A journey for which preparation must be made. One’s view of death will determine one’s attitude toward it. Paul’s view of it as an offering and a departure helped him approach dying with joyful anticipation.
We will be comforted by our PRECIOUS MEMORIES
(1) He fought the good fight. “I have fought the good fight” 2Timothy 4:7 The Christian life is often described as a conflict or a war Ephesians 6:10-17 That conflict with sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil, Paul now says he had been able to maintain. Paul could look back over his life with satisfaction. Not that he was sinless, but he had found mercy 1Timothy 1:12-16 Not that he was perfect, but he always tried to do better Philippians 3:12-14 Will we at life’s end be able to look back at a fight well fought having received the mercy Jesus offers for our sins? We should be able to look back having fought the good fight of faith, laying hold on eternal life 1Timothy 6:12
(2) He finished the race. “I have finished the race” 2Timothy 4:7 Paul compared the Christian life to running a race 1Corinthians 9:24-26 He saw it as an endurance race, not a sprint Hebrews 12:1-2 Paul could look back over his life with contentment. He had run the race to win, with certainty, he had not given up, but pressed on to the goal Philippians 3:13-14 Christians at life’s end must be able to look back at a race well run, completing the race of faith set before us. We should not let the sin of unbelief ensnare us. Hebrews 12:1
(3) He kept the faith. “I have kept the faith” 2Timothy 4:7 Apostle Paul since his encounter with Christ had steadfastly maintained the faith of the gospel living a life of fidelity to Jesus. Paul could look back over his life with happiness. He had kept and guarded the faith (gospel) entrusted to him 1Timothy 1:11 He had maintained faithfulness to Jesus, despite great suffering 2Timothy 1:12 At life’s end we also must be able to look back on a faith that we had kept, holding fast to the words of eternal life in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must remain strong in our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Paul could die a happy man because of his precious memories. Looking back, he could take comfort in knowing he had fought hard, run well, and kept the faith. Looking forward, he was able to die a happy man.
Apostle Paul envisioned the crown of righteousness. “There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness” 2Timothy 4:8
He saw the eternal blessedness which will be given as a prize to the genuine servants of God and Christ: the crown which is the reward of righteousness. Also described as the “crown of life” “which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give James 1:12; Revelation 2:10
Jesus has been appointed to judge the world one Day Acts 17:30-31. He will judge the living and the dead 2Timothy 4:1; 2 Corinthians 5:10 For some, a day of condemnation; for others, a day to be glorified 2Thessallonians 1:7-12 The same hope, the same reward, is available to others provided they likewise desire His coming Revelation 22:20 As such we are to set our hope on the grace that is to be revealed 1Peter 1:13 We should be looking forward to the same reward that Paul envisioned if we follow the same path.
Dying Happy and fulfilled requires 1- deliverance from evil. “the Lord will deliver me from every evil work” 2Timothy 4:18 Deliverance from the efforts of evil men and Satan to destroy us. Paul expected afflictions as long as he was in the world, but he knew that God would support him under them, and in his own time and way deliver out of them; Christians should also expect evil but pray that the lord delivers and strengthen us. Not deliverance from death per se, even death can be a deliverance from evil Isaiah 57:1 we must have the same confidence for a victory that Paul had known that the Lord will always be with us and trusting that the Lord will deliver us through any hardship.
2-Preservation for the kingdom. “and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom” 2Timothy 4:18 Paul looked forward to future manifestation of the kingdom, the same everlasting kingdom of which Peter wrote 2Peter 1:11 The same kingdom Jesus promised to those on His right hand Matthew 25:34 Paul had confidence in the preserving power of the Lord knowing that God could finish what He started Phillipians1:6 He knew that the lord would provide a way of escape in every temptation 1Corinthians 10:13 He also prayed for the preservation of others 1Thessallonians 5:23 To live and die happy, we must trust in the preservation of the Lord that Paul had knowing that the Lord will likewise keep us for the kingdom. We are kept by the power of God through faith 1Peter 1:5
Paul died a happy man, because of his view of dying, his precious memories, and his glorious hope. If we also approach death as an opportunity to praise God and the beginning of a journey, having fought the good fight, having finished the race, and having kept the faith, , looking forward to the crown of righteousness, knowing he will deliver us from evil and will preserve us for his heavenly kingdom then we too will say concerning the Lord, “To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!” 2Timothy 4:18
May our anticipation of death one day mirror that of the Apostle Paul.