13 September, 2022
Post By : Admin
God’s purpose in a trial is maturity
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 952 – September 13th, 2022 Romans 12:1-2. |
In our text, we note the command: “And do not be conformed to this world…” What does the word “conformed” mean? How does it relate to our daily living? We need to be very familiar with the concept of conformity not just to understand what Paul is saying. Because this word plays a
very important role in our lives, whether young or old, that we might properly apply the exhortation of the Apostle Paul, let’s examine the concept of conformity.
DEFINITION: (1) To conform to another’s pattern. For example, the desire to be like someone else by doing what they do, saying what they say, wearing what they wear. (2) To accept the ideas, the fashions, way of walking and talking of other people. A conformist, therefore, is afraid to be different. He or She feels a need to be like everyone else.
CONFORMITY IN OUR SOCIETY: There is tremendous pressure to conform to the standards of the group. Even adults feel a need to conform. Many young people want to conform in their clothes, cars, speech, behavior etc.
The pressure to conform is often strongest during adolescence. The young often have low esteem, they want desperately to be accepted and esteemed by others.
THE DANGER OF CONFORMITY: It can easily lead you to do things you know are wrong. For example, boys in a car for a joyride, and one begins popping pills. Men at a business luncheon, where drinks and other things are served.
When others follow suit, the pressure to conform is great. Ridicule to conform is often applied. Once you give in, the next time conformity is easier.
Conformity to the things of this world can separate us from God by giving in to the lust of the flesh, and talking about immorality. By succumbing to the lust of the eyes, i.e., materialism, and by yielding to the pride of life which is arrogance.1John 2:15-17 That’s the reason why Paul commands us “do not be conformed to this world” There are grave dangers in conforming to another’s pattern.
DEALING WITH THE PRESSURE TO CONFORM: So as not to be Conformist we must be a Transformist.
A conformist is one who undergoes a superficial, shallow change. Someone who becomes a cheap imitation, letting others do their thinking for them. A transformist on the other hand is one who undergoes a real change like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. He or She experiences a true renewal that begins with (1) conversion Titus 3:5 (2) One that involves a renewal of the mind Romans 12:2 (3) A renewal that continues as we go through life 2Corinthians 4:16.
Becoming transformist addresses the reasons why many conform. He addresses that feeling of insecurity. He learns that God loves us, we are so special that we don’t have to be like the world 1 John 3:1. A transformist understands the ultimate end of following the world 1 John 2:15-17 The transformist marks the difference between Christians who are truly converted and those who are shallow imitators of true disciples.
A transformist is a leader and not a follower. He proves to others what is good, acceptable, and perfect Romans 12:2 Presents their bodies as living and holy sacrifices Romans 12:1 Transformists have the courage to say no to things that
are wrong. His example helps others fight off the pressures to conform, giving others the strength to say no and encouraging others to do what is right e.g., Joshua. Joshua 24:14-15; Judges 2:7
Everyone experiences the pressure to conform to the standards and practices of the world especially the young who are so impressionable and even those who are older are sometimes persuaded by those in positions of power and influence. We have a choice either to buckle under and be led by those destroying their own bodies, minds, and souls or look to Jesus, the true nonconformist and allow ourselves to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we are to conform, let us conform to the image of Jesus for that will require a true transformation of the inner man and we can demonstrate what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 8:29