04 October, 2021
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 903 – October 4th, 2021 Proverbs1:8 |
Solomon the writer of the book of Proverbs, draws our attention to the first proverb which is to have reverential fear and honor of God. Proverb 1:7, which is the foundation of every life, is to know and obey your creator. Proverbs 9:10, Job 28:28, Ps 111:10., Solomon’s second proverb is for children to obey the instructions of their parents. Proverbs 1:8-9
Children!!!!!! Your future depends on obeying your parents. After introducing Proverbs 1:1-6, Solomon’s second proverb which is the next rule for a successful life is obeying a father’s instruction and a mother’s law which will bring you prosperity. Eph 6:1-3 Pr 6:20-23. But rejecting their parental training will bring pain and trouble and an early death Pr 15:10; 23:13-14.
Not every father gives good instruction; not every mother gives godly laws. But Solomon and his wife were wise. Solomon had great parents, and he wanted his son to pay attention Pr 4:1-4. If you have Christian parents that desire God’s best for you, there is every reason to fully obey them. And if you do not, God wants you to obey them anyway.
After fearing the Lord, the simplest way for children to be wise and avoid life’s pitfalls is to obey the hard-earned knowledge and affectionate wisdom of parents. What a fantastic thing! God has appointed an experienced man and woman with deep emotional ties as the personal guardians for every child. Why would a child ever disobey his father or mother?
But many fathers have said, “Why did he do that? I clearly taught him to avoid that problem.” Though the caring and experienced father warned his son about the danger of a choice, the son did not hear or remember the advice. He did not comprehend or retain the lesson, and he fell into the very pain and trouble his father had tried to save him from.
Many mothers have said, “Why did she do that? I gave her a rule to never do that!” Though the godly and loving mother laid down a law to protect her daughter, the folly in the girl chose her own way and reaped the bitter consequences. She forsook the law of her mother by neglecting her prudent warning and chose instead to do things her own way.
What causes children to act in folly?
They have only a fraction of the knowledge and experience their parents have. They are unable to identify or analyze the nature and causes of the dysfunctional lives around them. They are shortsighted, thinking only about the present, while their parents are focused on the future. They are emotionally captivated by peer pressure and childish foolishness. Their parents know them better than anyone else, including themselves, yet they persist in doing things their way. How foolish!
It is the sins of pride, rebellion, and self-deception. The child, though barely trained to use a toilet and drink from a cup, believes he knows more than his parents.
He wants to experiment with sex, though his parents have slept together every night for at least 10 years before he could even conceive of sex. What presumption! He wants to spend all income rather than save, even though he has not provided one dollar for his own support.
Is obeying parents as important as the Bible makes it? Is disobedience worthy of the death penalty? Pr 20:20; 30:17; Deut 21:18-21; 27:16 Definitely! Even if violating a parent’s laws does not bring severe direct consequences, God Himself demands strict obedience to uphold His ordained representatives, to provide for parental tranquility, and to introduce the child to authority for future prosperity. God Himself will destroy rebels.
Child! You have been warned about rejecting your parent’s instructions. But God has also offered a reward if you will obey and honor them. He will give you long life and bless it with good success Eph 6:1-3. Can you believe your good fortune? You have two loving parents to learn wisdom, a warning of punishment if you rebel, but supernatural blessings if you obey. You can have everything in the way of peace and success just by obeying.
Father! Are you giving your children the instruction they need to succeed in life and grow in favor of God and men? Your Creator has given you this duty Eph 6:4. Mother! Are you laying down the law for your children to save them from the horrible troubles of this perverse generation? You are responsible along with your husband Pr 6:20. Do not content yourself with raising children. Make sure you prepare them to please God in life.
Though the present generation thinks fathers and mothers are outdated – emphasizing instead one-parent homes, same-sex marriages, test-tube cloning, and public zoo instruction, the word of God still stand as the always relevant and infinitely wise manual from your Creator Ps 119:128; Is 8:20; I Tim 6:20-21. Any efforts to compromise, despise, or overthrow its laws will bring confusion and destruction Pr 29:18; Ps 9:17.
I believe parents and children alike, have a responsibility before God. Have you submitted yourself to the instruction and laws of your Father in heaven? If you neglect the practicing of His word, even your prayers become an abomination to Him Pr 28:9. If you are not a prepared and focused hearer, He will strip you of any wisdom you think you have Luke 8:18. The blessing and reward of hearing the truth preached is only for those who obey what they hear Ps 19:11; Jas 1:21-25.
from Scripture (Gen. 6:5-8; 7:1-5; Ruth 1:15-18; Matt. 24:42-25:13; Phil. 2:19-23)