01 October, 2024

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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1054 October 1, 2024


2Pet.3: 11- 18.



It is unfortunate when people run from one Christian conference to another, filling their notebooks, marking their Bibles, and yet not living their lives to the glory of God. All true Christians believe that Jesus Christ is coming again. They may differ in their views of when certain promised events will occur, but they all agree that He is returning as He promised. If we are going to be successful in reigning with Jesus Christ at His second coming, we must learn to be diligent in our Christian Walk with the Lord. Peter gave three admonitions to encourage us in Christian diligence in the light of our Lord’s return.

  1. Be diligent to live Godly lives – 3Pet.3: 11- 14.The key word in this paragraph is look. It means to await eagerly, to be expectant. It describes an attitude of excitement and expectation as we wait for the Lord’s return. Because we realize that the world and its works will be dissolved, and that even the very elements will be disintegrated; we fix our hope, not on anything in this world, but only on the Lord Jesus Christ. Because we do not know the day or the hour of our Lord’s return, we must constantly be ready. The believer who starts to neglect the “blessed hope”(Titus2: 13) will gradually develop a cold heart, a worldly attitude, and an unfaithful life Lk.12: 35- 48. This expectant attitude ought to make a difference in our personal conduct 2Pet.3: 11. Our conduct should be characterized by holiness and godliness 1Pet.1:15- 16. However, it is not simply knowing the doctrine in the mind that motivates the life; It is having it in the heart, loving His appearing 2Tim.4: 8. Not only should this expectant attitude make a difference in our conduct, but it should also make a difference in our witness. Peter affirmed that it is possible to hasten the return of Jesus Christ. How then, can we as Christians hasten the coming of the day of God? For one thing, we can pray as Jesus taught us, “Thy Kingdom come” Matt.6: 10. The basic lesson is clear; the same God who ordains the end also ordains the means to the end, and we are part of that means. Finally, this expectant attitude will make a difference when we meet Jesus Christ 2Pet.3: 14. It will mean that He will greet us in peace (we shall not be ashamed before Him at His coming) 1Jh.2: 28. The judgment seat of Christ will be a serious event as we give an account of our service to Him 2Cor.5: 8- 11. If we are diligent to watch for His return and to live holy and godly lives, then we will not be afraid or ashamed.

How do we maintain this eager expectancy that leads to holy living? By keeping His promise before our hearts 2Pet.3: 13. The promise of His coming is the light that shines in this dark world 2Pet.1: 19, and we must be sure we love and prepare for His appearing.

  1. Be diligent to win the lost – 2Pet.3: 15- 16.This Bible passage ties up with2Pet.3: 9, where Peter explained why the Lord had delayed fulfilling His promise. God had every reason long ago to judge the world and burn up its works, but in His mercy, He is longsuffering with us, “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” We must be diligent to do all we can to win the lost. We do not know how long the Lord will be longsuffering toward this evil world. We must be motivated by a love for the lost and a desire to be pleasing to Him when He returns.
  2. Be diligent to grow spiritually –There are four “beloved” statements in 2Peter: 3 that summarize what Peter wanted to get across.

Beloved — be mindful 2Pet.3: 1- 2

Beloved – be not ignorant 2Pet.3: 8

Beloved – be diligent 2Pet.3: 14

Beloved – beware 2Pet.3: 17

Peter’s audience knew the truth, but he warned them that knowledge alone was not sufficient protection. They had to be on their guard. They had to be alert. It is easy for people who have a knowledge of the Bible to grow overconfident and to forget the warning 1Cor.10: 12.

What special danger did Peter see?

That true believers would be led away together with the error of the wicked.

He is warning us against breaking the walls of separation that must stand between the true believers and the false teachers.

How can we as believers maintain our steadfastness and avoid being among the unstable souls who are easily led astray? By growing spiritually. We must grow in grace 2Pet.3: 18. We are saved by grace Ephe.2: 8- 9, but grace does not end there.

We must also be strengthened by grace 2Tim.2: 1- 4.

God’s grace can enable us to endure suffering 2Cor.12: 7- 10.

His grace also helps us to give when giving is difficult 2Cor.8: 1.

His grace helps us to sing when singing is difficult Col.3: 16.

Our God is the God of all grace 1Pet.5: 10 who gives grace to the humble. We are stewards of the manifold grace of God 1Pet.4: 10. There is grace for every situation and every challenge of life. Growing in grace often means experiencing trials and even suffering. To grow in grace means to become more like the Lord Jesus Christ, from whom we receive all the grace that we need Jh.1: 16.

We must also grow in knowledge. How easy it is to grow in knowledge but not in grace. All of us know far more of the Bible than we really live. Knowledge without grace is a terrible weapon, and grace without knowledge can be very shallow. But when we combine grace and knowledge, we have a marvelous tool for building our lives and for building the church.

But note that we are challenged to grow not just in knowledge of the Bible, as good as that is, but in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is one thing to know the Bible and quite another thing to know the Son of God the central theme of the Bible. The better we know Christ through the Word, the more we grow in grace; the more we grow in grace; the better we understand the Word of God.

Physical growth and spiritual growth follow pretty much the same pattern.

We grow best in a loving family and this is where the local church comes in. A baby needs a family for protection, provision, and affection.

It is important that we grow in a balanced way. We must keep a balance between worship and service, between faith and works. A balanced diet of the whole Word of God helps us to maintain a balanced life.

What is the result of spiritual growth? Glory to God!

It glorifies Jesus Christ when we keep ourselves separated from sin and error.

It glorifies Him when we grow in grace and knowledge, for then we become more like Him Rom.8: 29.

In Conclusion – We must be guarding, growing, and glorifying the Lord, making the most of every opportunity to win the lost and strengthen the saved.



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