15 May, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 985 – MAY 16, 2023 ABRAHAM – A STUDY OF FAITH IN GOD (PART 5) Gen.14: 1 – 16
The Bible says Lot was a righteous man 2Pet.2: 6- 8. Where did he fail? While in Egypt with Abraham, Lot had gotten a taste of the world and enjoyed it. Abraham was a friend of God Jam.2: 23, but Lot was a friend of the world Jam.4: 4. in time Lot conformed to the world Rom.12: 2; and when Sodom lost the war, Lot was condemned with the world 1Cor.11: 32. If you identify with the world, then expect to suffer what the world suffers. Lot’s capture is God’s way of disciplining him and reminding him that he had no business living in Sodom Prov.3: 11- 12; Heb.12: 5- 11. If we don’t listen to His rebukes, then He has to get our attention some other way; and that way is usually very painful.
Gen.14: 13- 16 the first war in the Bible was recorded in this chapter. Abraham did not get involved in the war until he heard that Lot had been captured. Abraham was separated, but not isolated; he was independent, but not indifferent; he and some of the local chiefs had formed an alliance for just such emergencies Gen.14: 13. He was Abram the Hebrew. While believers must not compromise with the unsaved in matters of spiritual walk and ministry 2 Cor.6: 14- 18, we may cooperate when it comes to caring for humanity and promoting the general welfare. When you see that people are in trouble, you don’t ask for testimony before helping them Lk.10: 25- 37; Gal.6: 10. Sacrificial service is one way of showing the love of Christ to others Math.5: 16. If Christians don’t get involved in what matters, how can they be the salt of the earth and the light of the world? Joseph served in Egypt and God used him to preserve lives. Nehemiah served a heathen king and God used the authority and resources of that king to enable Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem. Esther was a Jewess married to a Gentile ruler, and God used her to protect the Jewish people from annihilation. Daniel in Babylon never compromised his convictions, but assisted several rulers and was greatly used by God. We may cooperate with different people at different times to achieve different purposes, but we should always be conscious of our obligation to glorify God. Abraham had every excuse to let his nephew suffer the painful consequences of his own stupid decisions; but Lot was his brother Gen.14: 16. Abraham practiced brotherly love and overcame evil with good Rom.12: 17- 21; Gal.6: 1- 2.
Characteristics of Abraham’s army:
- They were born in his house – Gen.14: 14. This reminds us that whatever is born of God overcomes the world1Jh.5: 4- 5. Our first birth made us children of Adam and he was a loser, but our second birth makes us children of God, and Jesus Christ is the victor, He has overcome every enemy Ephe.1: 19- 23, and He shares His victory with all who will trust Him.
- They were armed – Gen.4: 14. It takes more than zeal and courage to win a war; you must also have effective equipmentEphe.6: 10- 18. Our weapons are spiritual 2 Cor.10: 3- 5 and we use them in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God and prayer are the two most effective weapons and we must use them by faith Acts.6: 4.
- They were trained – Gen.4: 14.No matter how good their equipment is, if the soldiers are not trained, they will be easily defeated. One of the purposes of the local church is to train God’s people how to use the Bible effectively, how to pray, how to recognize the enemy, and how to follow orders as soldiers in the army of Christ. The better you know your Bible, the better you are equipped to fight the battle2Tim.3: 16- 17.
- They believed in their leader. If God’s people expect to defeat their enemies, they must trust the Lord and obey His orders. This is how Joshua conquered the Promised Land and David defeated the enemies of Israel.
- They were united. There were not three armies with three leaders; there was one army and Abraham was in charge. If God’s people today were united in love, what victories we would win? The trouble with the church today is that there are too many generals and not enough privates.
- They were single-minded – Gen.14: 22- 23. Their goal was not personal revenge or private gain, but victory over the enemy so that the captives might be freed 2Tim.2: 4. This reminds us of Achan, Samson, and King Saul.
The goodness of God in rescuing Lot did not do him any good. The goodness of God should have led him to repentance Rom.2: 4; but instead of repenting, Lot returned to Sodom. He could have reunited with Abraham, but he chose to go back to sin.
In Conclusion – Abraham was the father of the faithful and Lot his nephew, was the father of all such that are scarcely saved “so as by fire” 1Cor.3: 15. It is far better to have “an abundant entrance” into the Lord’s everlasting kingdom 2Pet.1: 11.