22 May, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 986 – MAY 23, 2023 ABRAHAM – A STUDY OF FAITH IN GOD (PART 6) Gen.14: 17 – 24
A New Battle – sometimes you face your greatest dangers after you have won a battle. It was after the capture of Jericho that Israel’s self-confidence led it into defeat at Ai. It was after success at Mount Carmel that Elijah panicked and ran away in fear. Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle.
When Abraham returned from battle, he was met by two kings, Bera King of Sodom (Burning) and Melchizedek King of Salem (Peace). Bera King of Sodom offered Abraham all the spoils in return for the people, while Melchizedek gave Abraham bread and wine. Abraham rejected Bera’s offer but accepted the bread and wine from Melchizedek and gave him tithe of the spoils. All of this is symbolic and presents some important spiritual truths.
Abraham had to choose between two kings who represented two opposite ways of life. Sodom was a wicked city Gen.13: 13; Ezek.16: 49- 50. The name Bera means gift suggesting that the world bargains for your allegiance. Sodom means burning; so be careful how you choose! If you bow down to Bera, everything you live for will burn up one day; that’s what happened to Lot. Melchizedek means King of righteousness and Salem means peace. Like Melchizedek in Abraham’s day, Jesus Christ is our King and Priest in heaven, enabling us to enjoy righteousness and peace as we serve Him Ps.85: 10; Is.32: 17. We can see in the bread and wine a reminder of our Lord’s death on the cross. So, when Abraham rejected Bera and accepted Melchizedek, he was making a statement of faith (Take the world, but give me Jesus). Lot should have made the same decision, but he chose to return to his life of compromise. Abraham had every claim to the spoils; but morally, they were out of bounds. Many things in this world are legal as far as courts are concerned but morally wrong as far as God’s people are concerned. All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful (1Cor.6: 12).
Before Abraham could take the spoils, he had to agree to restore the people of Sodom to their king Gen.14: 21. Just as God wants to use human bodies for His glory Rom.12: 1- 2; 1Cor.6: 19- 20; the enemy also wants to use human bodies for evil purposes Rom.6: 12- 13. The enemy said to Joseph, give me your body and Joseph said no Gen.39: 7- 9. The enemy said to Daniel, give me your body and Daniel said no Dan.1: 8. But when the enemy said the same to Samson and David, they said “Yes” and what a price they paid.
Melchizedek had something better to offer Abraham; the blessing of the Most High God. Abraham lived by the blessing of the Lord, not by the bribery of the world.
Gen.14: 24 – Abraham did not impose his convictions on his allies, if they wanted to take part of the spoils, that was their business; and he did not expect them to give tithes to Melchizedek. Abraham was a believer, while his allies were men of the world whose conduct was governed by a different set of standards; “Others may, you cannot”.
Gen.14: 20 – This is the first mention of tithing in the Bible. To tithe is to give ten percent. When we tithe, we acknowledge that God owns everything, and that we are grateful stewards of His wealth. The practice of tithing predated the Law of Moses; not only did Abraham tithe, but so did Jacob Gen.28: 22. Abraham provides us with a good example of giving; he brought his gifts to Jesus Christ in the person of Melchizedek Heb.7: 1- 10. We do not give our tithes and offerings to the pastor; we give to the Lord and for that reason, we want to give our very best Mal.1: 6- 8.
Reflection –
Abraham was prompt in his giving. He gave without delay.
Abraham was proportionate in his giving 1Cor.16: 1- 2. Tithing is a good place to start, but as the Lord blesses, we must also increase in our giving.
Abraham gave because he loved God and wanted to acknowledge His greatness and His goodness. Our God is the possessor of heaven and earth Gen.14: 19, Ps.24: 1; He deserves all the worship and praise we can give to Him and giving is part of worship.
Williams Awosola ( 2 years ago )
We do not give our tithes and offerings to the pastor; we give to the Lord and for that reasons, we should give our best.