24 April, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 982 – April 25th, 2023 Gen.13: 1 – 18. |
Abraham learned his lesson, repented, and went up out of Egypt Gen.13: 1
When you disobey the will of God, the only right thing to do is to go back to the place where you left Him and make a new beginning. Abraham went back to his tent and altar and the life of a pilgrim and stranger. The problem is that everything Abraham received in Egypt later caused trouble. Pharaoh gave Abraham a lot of wealth Gen.12: 16; 13: 1- 2. Sarah was also given her own maid in Egypt Gen.16: 1. Because of their great wealth, Abraham and Lot could not live together and had to separate Gen.13: 5- 6. Hagar, the Egyptian maidservant brought division and sorrow into the home. Having a taste of Egypt (the world), Lot started measuring everything by what he saw there Gen.13: 10- 11; and this led to his downfall and the ruin of his family. There are no benefits from disobedience. Never abandon your altar; stay in fellowship with God no matter what the circumstances may be.
Like Abraham, as you progress in the school of faith, you will face three special tests: circumstances, people, and things.
Things – Gen.13: 5- 18 How many family fights have been caused by the love of money? Family battling in court because of an inheritance or a lottery winning; people who used to love each other start attacking each other just to get money. Abraham may have failed the first two tests, but he passed this third test with great success. The test was not an easy one because it involved land and wealth, but Abraham is an example of what every believer should do when there are disputes about material things. Abraham determined to be a peacemaker and not a troublemaker. The heart of every problem is the problem of the heart. Lot’s heart was centered on wealth and worldly achievement, while Abraham wanted only to please the Lord Am.3: 3.
Jam.3: 13- 18. Lot followed the wisdom of this world; the world’s wisdom and the world’s wealth seem so satisfying, but they ultimately bring disappointment. Covetousness – an insatiable appetite for more things leads to all kinds of evil 1Tim.6: 10. In order to get more money, people will lie and mistreat others Prov.21: 6, cheat Prov.28: 8, and even trouble their own families Prov.15: 27. Lot caused trouble in Canaan because his heart was really in Egypt.
Reflections –
Abraham lived for others, not for himself. While in Egypt, Abraham thought first about himself in Gen.12: 12- 13, but when he returned to his altar in Canaan, he put God first and others next. As the elder statesman of the camp, Abraham had every right to decide the issue and tell Lot what to do; but he gave Lot first choice Rom.12: 10. The spiritual Christian does not insist on his or her own rights but gladly yields to others Phil.2: 3- 4.
Abraham lived by faith, not by sight. No matter what Lot did, Abraham was not worried about his future, for he knew that everything was in the hands of the Lord Ps.47: 4, Math.6: 33. Lot had a tent but no altar Gen.13: 5, instead of lifting up his eyes to heaven, he lifted up his eyes to the plain of Jordan Gen.13: 10. The eye sees what the heart loves. Abraham had taken Lot out of Egypt, but he could not take Egypt out of Lot. Lot had a great opportunity to become a man of God as he walked with Abraham, but we don’t read of Lot building an altar or calling upon the name of God. Lot looked toward Sodom Gen.13: 10, then he moved toward Sodom Gen.13: 11- 12, and finally, he moved into Sodom Gen.14: 12.
Gen.13: 14- 16. Lot had lifted up his eyes and seen what the world had to offer; now God invited Abraham to lift up his eyes and see what heaven had to offer. Lift up your eyes and look was followed by arise and walk Gen.13: 17; you have to claim your inheritance by faith Josh.1: 1- 3, Deut.11: 24. When you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, God gave you all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Ephe.1: 3 all you need is appropriate that inheritance by faith. The Word of God is the will that tells you how rich you are, and faith is the key that opens the vault.
In Conclusion – Abraham gave thanks to God and worshiped Gen.13: 18. The people in Sodom were proud of their affluence Ezek.16: 49- 50, but Abraham had spiritual wealth. He was walking in fellowship with God, and his heart was satisfied.