09 October, 2023
Post By : Admin
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This chapter emphasizes separation. Abraham made it clear that his son was not to marry a Canaanite woman Gen.24: 3. The Law of God did not permit the Jewish men to marry heathen women Deut.7: 1- 7; and as believers today, we are forbidden to marry unbelievers 2Cor.6: 14- 18; 1Cor.7: 39- 40.
The Servant – Gen.24: 10- 49. Neither Abraham nor Isaac went to find the bride; the task was given to the servant who was totally devoted to Abraham. His favorite name for Abraham was “My Master”. He lived and served only to please his master and that is a good example for us to follow. The servant got his orders from his master and did not change them. The servant knew he would have to give an account to his master Rom.14: 12. But how would he go finding the right woman for his master’s son? The servant acted by faith in the God of Abraham and Isaac Gen.24: 12. He took time to pray and to ask God for help, and he kept his eyes open to see what God might do Gen.24: 21, 27. Is.65: 24; Is.28: 16.
The Bride – in His providence, God brought Rebekah to the well just as the servant was praying, and she did exactly what the servant had been praying about. Little did Rebekah know that doing a humble task for a stranger would make her the bride of a wealthy man who was in a covenant relationship with God. “Make every occasion a great occasion, for you can never tell when someone may be taking your measure for a larger place”. The servant was evaluating Rebekah to see if she would make a good wife for Isaac. He could see that she was kind, pleasant, humble, healthy, and a hard worker. Watering ten camels is no easy job and Rebekah had to draw all the water by hand. Gen.24: 23 “Whose daughter are you” is a key question for any suitor to ask today. Are you a child of God? Have you been born again into the family of God? It is a tragedy when believers marry unbelievers and try to invoke the blessings of God upon something that does not have His approval.
The Family – Rebekah took her gifts and ran home to tell her father, mother, and brother Laban that a generous stranger needed a place to stay for the night. The servant would not eat until he had fulfilled his mission Gen.24:33; Jh.4: 31- 34. The servant did not speak about himself but about Isaac and his great wealth and this is exactly what the Holy Spirit does in the world today Jh.15: 26; 16: 13- 14.
The willingness of the bride – Gen.24: 50- 60. Rebekah’s brother and mother were willing for her to become Isaac’s wife, but they wanted her to wait at least ten days before leaving home. This was a natural request since the parents would want to spend as much time as possible with her and perhaps even invite the neighbors to celebrate with them. Just as the servant would not delay in presenting his petition Gen.24: 33, so also, he would not delay in completing his mission. When the Lord is at work that is the time to keep going. Rebekah’s reply is “I will go” Gen.24: 58. This is the decision every sinner must make if he or she is to be “married to Jesus” and share His home in heaven. What motivated Rebekah to make the right decision? She heard the word about Isaac and believed it. She saw the proof of his greatness, generosity, and wealth and wanted to belong to him for the rest of her life. She had never seen Isaac, but what she had heard about him convinced her to go to Canaan with the servant 1Pet.1: 8. The application is obvious for unsaved people today: They must not delay in making their decisions for Christ. It is a decision of faith, based on the evidence provided by the Holy Spirit through the Word and the witness of the church Heb.3: 15; 2 Cor.6: 2.
The welcome of the bridegroom – Gen.24: 61- 67 The Bible suggests that Isaac was a quiet, meditative man who pondered the things of the Lord in solitude Gen.24: 63; Ps.1: 2. It is also significant that Isaac met his bride in the evening Gen.24: 63; for when Jesus comes for His church, it will be a time of spiritual darkness Rom.13: 11- 14. The second coming of Christ will usher in a new dawn 1Thes.5: 1- 11. The servant also gave an account of himself to his master’s son Gen.24: 66, when Jesus comes for His church, there will not only be a joyful wedding Rev.19: 1- 9, but also a solemn judgment seat 2Cor.5: 9- 10, where our works will be examined and rewards given out 1Cor.3: 13- 15; 4: 1- 2. Rebekah had received a few gifts from Isaac, but now that she was his very own, she possessed everything that he possessed; and so it is with Christ and His church.
In Conclusion – This love story can be anybody’s love story if we put our trust in Jesus Christ and say “I will go”. If you already belong to Jesus Christ, then be like the faithful servant and tell others the good news about the marriage and the glorious wedding feast yet to come. Invite them to say
“I will go”.