02 October, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1004 – October 3, 2023 ABRAHAM – A STUDY OF FAITH IN GOD (PART 15) Gen.22: 1 – 19
At the age of 75, Abraham enrolled in the school of faith; now he was over 100, and he was still having soul-stretching experiences. We are never too old to face new challenges, fight new battles, and learn new truths. When we stop learning, we stop growing; and when we stop growing, we stop living. Abraham teaches us how to face and handle the tests of life to the glory of God.
- Expect tests from God – Gen.22: 1- 2. In the school of faith, we must have occasional tests, or we will never know where we are spiritually. Abraham had his share of tests right from the beginning. He had to leave his family and loved ones and step out by faith to go to a new land. This was followed by the famine test and he doubted God and went down to Egypt for help. God never asked Lot to face the tests that Abraham faced because Lot was being tempted by the world and the flesh and never grew to the place of maturity that Abraham reached. In a sense, it is a compliment when God sends us a test; it shows that God wants to promote us in the school of faith.
- Focus on promises, not explanations – Gen.22: 3- 5. Our faith is not really tested until God asks us to bear what seems unbearable, do what seems unreasonable, and expect what seems impossible. Whether you look at Joseph in prison, Moses and Israel at the Red Sea, David in the cave, or Jesus at Calvary, the lesson is the same; we live by promises, not by explanations.
When God sends a trial to us, our first response is usually “Why Lord?” and then “Why me?” We demand an explanation from God. Of course, God has reasons for sending tests – to purify our faith 1Pet.1: 6- 9; perfect our character Jam.1: 1- 4; protect us from sin 2Cor.12: 7- 10 but we fail to see how these things apply to us. Abraham heard God’s word and immediately obeyed it by faith. He knew that God’s will never contradict God’s promise, so he held on to the promise in Gen.21: 12. Abraham believed that even if God allowed him to slay his son, He could raise Isaac from the dead Heb.11: 17- 19. Faith does not demand explanations; faith rests on promises.
- Depend on God’s provision – Gen.22: 6- 14.On what could Abraham depend? He certainly could not depend on his feelings, for there must have been terrible pain within. He could not depend on other people. Sarah was at home, and the two servants who accompanied him were back at the camp. Thank God for friends and family, but there are some trials in life that we must face alone. Abraham could depend on the promise and provision of the Lord. He had already experienced the resurrection power of God in his own body. Rom.4: 19- 21, so he knew that God could raise Isaac from the dead if that was His plan. God did provide the sacrifice that was needed Gen.22: 13- 14. The statement “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided” helps us to understand some truths about the provision of the Lord.
Where does the Lord provide our needs? In the place of His assignment. Abraham was at the right place, so God could meet his needs. We have no right to expect the provision of God if we are not in the will of God.
When does God meet our needs? Just when we have the need and not a minute before. When you bring your requests to the throne of grace, God answers with mercy and grace in time of need Heb.4: 16.
How does God provide for us? In ways that are usually quite natural. He simply allowed a ram to get caught in a bush at a time when Abraham needed it and, in a place, where Abraham could get his hands on it. All Abraham needed was one animal, God did not send a whole flock of sheep.
To whom does God give His provision? To those who trust Him and obey His instructions. When we are doing the will of God, we have the right to expect the provision of God.
Why does God provide our every need? For the great glory of His name. Abraham and Isaac did the will of the Lord and glorified Jehovah God and in return, God provided for their immediate need.
- Seek to glorify God. In times of testing, it is easy to think only about our needs and burdens; instead, we should be focusing on bringing glory to Jesus. We sometimes waste our sufferings by neglecting or ignoring opportunities to reveal Jesus Christ to others who are watching us go through the furnace.
- Look forward to what God has for you – Gen.22: 15- 24.
Abraham received a new approval from God Gen.22: 12; Jb.23: 10.
Abraham received new assurances Gen.22: 16- 18.
Abraham also learned a new name for God Gen.22: 14. “Jehovah Jireh”; the Lord will provide.
God gave Isaac to Abraham, and Abraham gave Isaac back to God. Abraham received back a new son; a living sacrifice. We must be careful that God’s gifts do not take the place of the giver.
Finally, Abraham came away from this trial with a deeper love for God.