28 August, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 999 – AUGUST 29, 2023 ABRAHAM – A STUDY OF FAITH IN GOD (PART 12) Gen.19: 1 – 29.
Location – (Vs.1) when the heavenly contingent came to visit Abraham, he was at his tent door; but Lot was sitting in the gate of a wicked city. Abraham was a pilgrim and stranger, only passing through this world; but Lot had gradually abandoned his tent and settled down in Sodom. Instead of keeping his eyes on the heavenly city Heb.11: 10, 14- 16, Lot looked toward Sodom and began to walk by sight Gen.13:10- 11. Then he moved his tent near Sodom Gen.13: 12 and finally he moved into Sodom Gen.14: 12. Lot’s location in the gate indicates that he was a man of some authority, for that was where official business was conducted Ruth.4: 1.
Had Lot gone to Sodom because God directed him, his being there would have fulfilled divine purposes. After all, God put Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon, and Esther in Persia and their presence turned out to be a blessing. Worldliness is not a matter of physical geography but of heart attitude 1Jh.2: 15- 17. Lot’s heart was in Sodom long before his body arrived there.
Times – (Vs.1) it was early afternoon when the Lord and His angels visited Abraham Gen.18: 1, but it was evening when the angels entered Sodom. Abraham was walking in the light while Lot was walking in darkness 1Jh.1: 5- 10.
Visitors – (Vs.1) Only the two angels visited Lot, for the Lord could not fellowship with Lot and his family as He did with Abraham and Sarah. Even though Lot was a believer, his lifestyle was contrary to his belief. It is only a separated believer who enjoys the close walk and communion with the Lord 2Cor.6: 14- 18, Jh.14: 21- 24. Unlike Abraham, Lot had no altar, and the Lord could not fellowship with him.
Hospitality – (Vs.2- 11) though Lot was hospitable to the guests, the scripture did not say anything about his wife; the arrival of the men of the city at the door for immoral purposes was the climax of the evening. Lot was willing to sacrifice his two daughters to the lust of the crowd. What had happened to Lot’s personal values that he would offer his daughters to satisfy the sensual appetites of a mob?
Messages – (Vs.12 – 13) God’s message to Abraham was a joyful one; he and Sarah would have the promised son within a year. But the message to Lot was frightening; God was going to destroy Sodom and everything in it. God’s message to the lost world is that judgment is coming, but His promise to His own people is that He will rescue them 1Thes.5: 1- 11; 2Pet.2: 4- 10.
Influence – (Vs.14) because of his faith and obedience, Abraham was a blessing to his home and to the whole world. Because of Lot’s worldliness, Lot had no spiritual influence either in the city or in his own home. His married daughters and their husbands laughed at him and refused to leave the city. Even his wife was so in love with Sodom that she had to take one last look, and that look killed her vs.26. Lot’s two unmarried daughters accompanied him out of the city; but they ended up getting their father drunk and committing incest with him. Lot had allowed his character to deteriorate and his influence declined with it.
Attitudes – (Vs.15- 26) the first time God rescued Lot, he was a prisoner of war Gen.14: 12, 16 and he went right back into Sodom. Now God has to take Lot by the hand and forcibly drag him out of Sodom. First Lot lingered; then he argued; then he begged to be allowed to go his own way. Instead of being grateful for God’s mercy and obeying his rescuers, Lot resisted them and created trouble for them. In contrast, Abraham obeyed God’s will even to the point of offering up his son.
Consequences/ Conclusion – (Vv.27- 38) the result of the Lord’s visit to Abraham was new hope and excitement as Abraham and Sarah joyfully anticipated the birth of a son. Lot however lost everything when Sodom was destroyed; he himself was saved “Yet as by fire” 1Cor.3: 15. His daughters gave birth to two sons, whose descendants would be enemies to the Jewish nation. Abraham saw the cities of the plain destroyed Ps.91: 7- 8, and knew that God had not found ten righteous people. But God delivered Lot because of Abraham Gen.19: 29.
It was wholly a matter of God’s grace and mercy Gen.19: 19. Lot was conformed to the world Rom.12: 2, all that he lived for went up in smoke. Lot is a warning to all believers not to love the world, become friendly with the world, or be stained by the world Jam.1: 27, because
The day of reckoning is finally coming.