03 July, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 992 – JULY 4, 2023 ABRAHAM – A STUDY OF FAITH IN GOD (PART 10) Gen.18: 1 – 8.
Abraham was given a special title of being a friend of God and he is the only person in the Bible to have it 2Chron.20: 7, Is.41: 8, Jam.2: 23. Jesus called Lazarus His friend Jh.11: 11 and He calls all who believe on Him friends Jh.15: 13- 15. As His friends, we can share His love and fellowship. Friendship involves ministry and, in this chapter, you will find Abraham ministering in three different areas.
He ministered to the Lord – Gen.1: 1- 8 all ministry must first be to the Lord, for if we fail to be a blessing to the Lord, we will never be a blessing to others Ex.28: 1- 4 and 41, Ex.29: 1, Col.3: 23- 24. Abraham was taking a rest during the heat of the day when he saw three strangers approaching. There was nothing about their appearance that told Abraham who they were; but as he fellowshipped with them, he learned that he was entertaining royal visitors. His ministry to the Lord was so acceptable that we ought to follow his example.
- He ministered personally. Abraham was ninety-nine years old and a wealthy man, he could have entrusted this task to his chief steward or one of his more than 300 servants. Instead, he decided to minister to the Lord personally.
- He ministered immediately. Abraham could have ignored them by pretending to be asleep, or he could have asked them to sit down and wait until he had finished his siesta.
- He ministered speedily Gen 18: 2 and 6. He ran to meet the visitors and hastened to tell Sarah to bake some bread. He ran to get a tender calf and saw to it that the young man hastened to dress the meatGen.18: 7. Keep in mind that this is an old man (ninety-nine-year-old man) running around in the heat of the day. Only after he had served his guests did Abraham stand still Gen.18: 8.
- He ministered generously. Abraham served the Lord generously and gave the best that he had. Sarah baked bread from fine meal Vs.6, and the meat was tender and good Vs.7; no leftovers for such important guests. What a contrast to the priests in Malachi’s day who did not give God their best Mal.1: 6- 14
- He ministered with humility. He bowed to his guestsVs.2. called himself a servant Vs.3 and 5 and called the feast only a morsel of bread. He served the three visitors and then stood near to be available if needed. He interrupted a comfortable afternoon nap to become a servant to three strangers; but because of that service, he received tremendous blessings for himself and his wife.
- He is involved in the ministry of others. Sarah baked the bread; a young man dressed the meat; servants brought Abraham the butter and milk. D. L Moody said, “I would rather put ten men to work than do the work of ten men”. When we serve ourselves or our own ministries, our work perishes; but when we serve the Lord, He gives lasting and abundant fruit Jh.12: 20- 26.
Importance of Christian hospitality – In this day of convenient motels and hotels, we rarely think about what it means to entertain strangers Heb.13: 1- 2; but hospitality is an important part of Christian ministry Rom.12: 13; 1Pet.4: 9. In fact “Given to hospitality” is one of the requirements for leadership in the local church 1Tim.3: 2, Tit.1: 8.
In Conclusion – By lovingly serving others, we serve the Lord Jesus Christ Math.25: 34- 40 and we promote the spread of God’s truth 3Jh. 5- 8.