09 December, 2024
Post By : Admin
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There is a famous preacher, Alexander Whyte; he loved to write postcards to people, thanking them for some kindness or blessing they had brought to his life. Those messages often brought a touch of encouragement to a heart just when it was needed most. Appreciation is great medicine for the soul.
The good news of the gospel was brought to the city of Colosse by Epaphras; He was himself a citizen of Colosse Col.4: 12- 13. Once Epaphras had been saved he took the good news back to his people. His first responsibility was to take the gospel back to his own home city Mk.5: 19.
The gospel is good news that Jesus Christ has solved the problem of sin through His death, burial, and resurrection. Unfortunately, some people witness as though the gospel is the bad news of condemnation. In our witnessing, we should remember to emphasize the good news of the gospel 1Cor.15: 1- 8. Like Paul we should be grateful for what God is doing in the lives of others. If one member of the body is strengthened, this helps to strengthen the entire body. If one church experiences a revival touch from God, it will help other churches. In this expression of thanksgiving, Paul traced the stages in the spiritual experience of the Colossian believers.
It centers in a person; Jesus Christ – Jesus should take pre-eminence in the teaching of the gospel. It is Christ who died for us and who rose again. The gospel message does not center in a philosophy, a doctrine, or a religion system. It centers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
It is the Word of truth – Col.1: 5 this means that it came from God and can be trusted Jh.17: 17. There are many messages and ideas that can be called true, but only God’s Word that can be called truth. Jesus is the Truth Jh.14: 6; When we trust Him, we experience life. Men have tried to destroy God’s truth, but they have failed. The Word of truth still stands. Everybody has faith in something. But faith is only as good as the object in which a person puts his trust. The primitive pagan worships a god of stone; the educated city pagan worships money or possessions or status. In both cases, faith is empty. The true Christian believer has faith in Jesus Christ, and that faith is based on the Word of truth.
It is the message of God’s grace – Col.1: 6 two words in the Christian vocabulary are often confused: grace and mercy. God in Hiis grace gives me what I do not deserve. Yet God in His mercy does not give me what I do deserve. Grace is God’s favor shown to undeserving sinners. The reason the gospel is good news is because of grace. God is willing and able to save all who will trust Jesus Christ.
It is for the whole world – Col.1: 6 If you were to give a gift that would be suitable for the whole world; what would you give? Books (Many people cannot read). Foods (People eat different things in different parts of the world). Clothing (Climate are different). Money (Not every culture makes use of money). Only the gospel, with its gift of eternal life, was suitable for the whole world. Paul said the gospel was bearing fruit in all the world. The Word of God is the only seed that can be planted anywhere in the world and bear fruit. If people are to be saved, they must hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if they are to hear, we who are saved must carry the message. Are you doing your part?
They believed in Jesus Christ. Col.1: 4 It is possible to hear and not believe. Millions of people have heard the good news of salvation and yet not believed. But those who believe in Jesus Christ receive from God the gift of eternal life Jh.3: 14- 18. Saving faith involves the mind, the emotions, and the will. With the mind we understand the truth of the gospel; And with the heart we feel conviction and the need to be saved. But it is only when we exercise the will and commit ourselves to Christ that the process is complete. Faith is not mental asset to a body of doctrines, no matter how true those burdens may be. Faith is not emotional concern. Faith is commitment to Jesus Christ. Saving faith is leaning your whole weight upon Jesus. The experience of the believers in Colosse was so wonderful that people talked about it. Paul heard about it. Paul heard about it from Epaphras. The false teachers heard about it and decided to visit the Colossian assembly to see the remarkable change for themselves. You cannot keep silent once you have experienced salvation in Jesus Christ.
They were discipled – Col.1: 7. Epaphras did not simply lead the Colossians to Christ and then abandon them. He taught them the Word and sought to establish their faith. We must never forget that the new Christians must be discipled just as the newborn baby needs loving care and protection till, he can care for himself. The great commission does not stop with the salvation of the lost, for in that commission Jesus commanded us to teach converts the Word as well Matt.28: 19. Epaphras was a faithful minister. He not only won people to Christ, but he taught them the Word and helped them grow. He also prayed for them that they might become mature in Christ Jesus Col.4: 12- 13.
They became faithful – Col.1: 6- 8 The Word of God is seed Lk.8: 11 This means the Word has life in it. When it is planted in the heart, it can produce fruits Col.1: 6. There is life and power in a seed, and there is life and power in the Word of God. Faith, hope, and love are among the first fruits in the spiritual harvest.
In Conclusion – Have you experienced the miracle of salvation? If you have, then keep on growing and keep on being fruitful for the Lord. The same Word that gave life to you when you trusted Christ will continue to nourish that life and make you a faithful, fruitful Christian.
While miraculous events surrounded the Conversion of Cornelius, his salvation was no different from what we have already seen. He had to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was taught to believe and commanded to be baptized. As Peter would later say, it is “through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” that both Gentiles and Jews were saved Acts 15:11We are saved by grace, not works Ephesians 2:5,8; Titus 3:4-5 It is not enough to be religious. Who could be more religious than Cornelius? or the 3000 at Pentecost, the Ethiopian eunuch, Saul of Tarsus, Lydia of Thyatira? The grace of God which saves does require a response.
A response of faith Acts 10:43 Faith in Jesus that comes by hearing the gospel Acts 10:42 Faith which expresses itself in obedience. Particularly, repentance and baptism. Those of us who are not descended from Israel can rejoice in what God revealed with The Conversion of Cornelius. As properly concluded later by Jewish brethren in Jerusalem: “God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.” Acts 11:18
We need to take advantage of this wonderful gift, by responding to the gospel of Jesus Christ in faith, repentance, and baptism.