12 March, 2021
Post By : Admin
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MEMORY VERSE: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5: 17
LESSON TEXT: Gal. 5: 18-25
There is always a noticeable change in the life of anyone who gives his/her life to Jesus Christ. There is a change from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God. Friends and everyone around will easily notice the changes. A supernatural joy comes to the heart of the young believer. This is explained that the extension of joy in heaven over the saved soul, Luke 15: 7, comes into his/her life
When a person repents of his or her sins and receives the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we should begin to notice clear evidences proving the genuineness of this new birth – 2 Cor. 5: 17; 1 John. 3: 14; 5: 18. These include: love for the brethren, newness of life, fruit of righteousness, fresh visions, new motives, principles and objectives. These will begin to influence and direct his life because a new heart has been given, Gal. 5: 18-25; Ezek. 36: 26; Jn. 1: 13 – coupled with a total decision that cannot be altered by any life situations, whether favorably or otherwise, Rom. 8: 35-39. Abiding fruits will also manifest in watchfulness, soberness, as well as violent resistance of the enemy and his associates, 1 Pet. 5: 8.
A young believer who wants to grow often has some desires which always include boldly confessing and witnessing the Lordship of Jesus Christ even in the midst of stiff oppositions, Mk. 16: 15; John. 9: 22; daily searching and meditation on the word of God, Acts 17: 10-12; John. 14: 22-23; maintaining a life of regular fellowship with other brethren in the body of Christ, especially in the local assembly because, “Iron sharpens iron;…” – Heb. 10: 25; Prov. 27: 17; a vibrant prayer life that keeps the soul in close touch with the vine, the Lord Jesus Christ, thus making their joy full – John. 16: 14; 15: 4, by becoming a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, Rom. 12: 1-2.
The Lord Jesus Christ is expecting much from the fruit of evangelism. He needs the man or woman, indeed a vessel to honor, who will be willing to serve in Christ’s stead to make the fruits abide. Are you willing to serve in this respect? Please pray.
1. List some evidences of the new birth
2. What are the vital means of Christian growth?
3. How can the Christian be close to the vine?
MON: Titus 3: 5;
TUE: 1 Jn. 5: 1;
WED: Eph. 2: 17;
THUR: Phil. 1: 21
FRI: Jn. 5: 24;
SAT: 2 Cor. 4: 11;
SUN: 1 Pet. 1: 23