17 April, 2023
Post By : Admin
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DIGGING DEEP NO. 981 – April 18th, 2023 Exodus 12:1-13; 21-27Deut. 6:4-8 |
Parenting is a very heavy responsibility; the parenting joy and burden seem to never end. The purpose of parenting is that God expects godly children from our union, but only godly parents can nurture godly children. (Malachi 2:15) As parents we have a scriptural obligation to train up our children because foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, (Prob 22:15) if that self-will is not addressed early in the child’s life but allowing self-will to reign then the child becomes the parent and the parent the child and the child is NO good. When there is defiance, someone should be in charge, parents are to keep cool and take action but don’t lose control (Prov 13:24). To train up a child does not just mean bringing your child to church every Sunday and making sure they have a good Sunday school lesson. (Prob 22:6) The training process every day is who we are and what we do in our homes.
Firstly, Parents have to know who God is and love Him with all their hearts, soul, mind, and strength. (Deut. 6:4-5) Our children see and emulate our actions. We are their role models.
Bible instructions for training our children
Teaching should be an everyday talk, not a drill sergeant’s message. (Deut. 6:7) It is impossible for the church to compensate for lack of godliness six days a week by 2 hours in a Sunday school classroom or 2 hours of digging deep. But when the church and the home corporates, the positive outcome for a child is endless. We should also note that the Bible has been removed from public schools therefore it is very important that we teach our children diligently. What do we have in our homes that remind our children of the Lord? Is it movie stars, musicians, sports figures, or political stars? (Deut. 6:8) is very clear as to what those postal in our home and children’s room should be. As parents, it is important that we give our children more than nutrition, physical health, education, mental growth, physical and social skills, etc.… without omitting the main ingredient for success.
What happens when lacking the equipment of the heart that helps them love God
I know most if not all of us parents emphasize education and encourage our children to be the very best in school because there is no honor in ignorance. But we should not overdrive them to be Doctors, Engineers, Attorneys, or something we wanted to be if that is not their intellectual ability. However, being very good secularly but a spiritual loser is NOT an acceptable loss. One can be equipped with everything humanly possible for a very successful life and in spite of all he is equipped with when faced with the pressures of this world he caved in because of a lack of courageous hearts (Ps 78:9-10)
In conclusion, parents are to teach their children and let them know that their body is the temple of GOD and help them be balanced and well-rounded, and let them gravitate to their strength in life.